Friends Animals Sunshine Sports I love beaches and anything water related Kayaking water skiing surf snorkeling scuba whitewater rafting boating I love art and museums I love to travel I love playing co-ed intramural sports or even just watching someone I like getting dressed up but I also love going barefoot on a beach or have a beer at a ballgame And with me there is always the alternative *wink*
Friends who love the city and the Cubs! Friends who smile! Friends who are down to earth, fun, goal oriented, and polite.I want a lover that is my best friend. I want someone to learn from, teach and explore together. I want someone to have an adventure. I want to fall deeply in love.
Anything but Country Favorites are Classical Jazz Blues to listen to with a nice glass of wine I like to dance and sometimes you might even get me to sing and that opens this category up to many genres
Nothing with extreme sap value I like watching something that keeps me guessing and makes me think I loved the Italian Job I can also be caught watching foreign films or documentaries
Lost 24 Ghost Hunters Celebrity Paranormal Project I don't watch a whole lot of TV I like the travel channel Discovery science related TV and my weakness is for WSOP I love to watch Jennifer Tilly and the Unibomber
Philosophy Science Classics Steven Hawking Not much of a light reader You are what you fill your mind with ;-)
People who are good pet parents spay/neuter their pets and rescue or adopt from shelters
adopt your own virtual pet!