Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) profile picture

Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...)

Saving the world from Robots and fanboys

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

non-crazy people...or is that completely crazy people? Honestly, I need people to help with my global regime. Apply within. The pay won't be great right away, but it'll get better once we rule the banks.Oh and anyone who wants to pay me to do my artwork. That'd be swell.


Garbage (the band, not that American Idol stuff), The Crystal Method, Jet, The Killers, Our Lady Peace...I like a lot of singles, just not whole albums. I'd be here for ages detailing all the singles I like. That being said, I might just have one of the most extensive memories of 1980's music. I swear I regularly school people who were teenagers then. Oh, and Radiohead still has one of the best CDs ever released in OK Computer...that's good stuff, kids.


The X-Men films, Kill Bill, Batman Begins, Fight Club, The Insider, Memento, King Kong, Aliens, The Lord of the Rings films, Star Wars films (I have a fetish for trilogies, unless they were made by the Wachowskis), Team America, Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness, Office Space, 40-Year Old Virgin, Crash, Munich, King Kong, Walk The Line, V for Vendetta, Blade and Blade 2 (Trinity was kinda weak), Hellboy, Terminator 2 and 3, Serenity, The Harry Potter films...oh, and Wedding Crashers. Great film. And if you hate Pirates, you officially have no soul.


Lost is brilliant, The Simpsons is my all-time favorite show (I own all seasons on DVD, even the early crappy ones), The Office (best comedy out there right now), Justice League Unlimited (oh how I miss it), Battlestar Galactica (The new one), Buffy (I love you SMG), The Daily Show and The Colbert Report never disappoint, South Park is still hella-funny, CSI, Mythbusters, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Friends, Raymond, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman, Bromwell High (those crazy brits and their foul-mouthed cartoons), Scrubs...did I say the Simpsons? I did. It is worth mentioning twice. Oh and the new Doctor Who is quite good as well.


What's a book? OH, those things with words but no pictures. I just finished The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer. American Gods was good. Jurasssic Park is great...actually, any Michael Crichton before Airframe is good. Ender's Game was great. I mostly read graphic novels, and some of my faves there are Watchmen, Kingdom Come, 100 Bullets, New X-Men and Identity Crisis. The Walking Dead is pretty cool too.

My Blog

The Suck List (2007)

I've often wondered why it's so much more fun to post 'worst of' year-end lists than the best-ofs...perhaps it has something to do with the well-organized bile that seems to flow so well from me when ...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 04:27:00 PST

Stuff that Doesn’t Suck (at least to me)

Welcome to the end of the year. Once a year, every year for the past...oh let's say 28 years, the 365th day comes and we look back at the events of past 12 months, in earnest or with punishing cruelty...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:18:00 PST

This Time It’s Personal

Seriously. Hey look! Tupper writes a real honest to God blog about his so-called "Feelings"! Someone take a photo of the computer screen and send it to Reuters! Man, even when I try to be serious I'm ...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:22:00 PST

Suck my Jingle Bells

Well it's that time again folks. Every year the Holiday season creeps ever closer to beginning in October, and this year it's no different. Most years I'd spend a two-week tirade bemoaning this Holi-d...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 08:58:00 PST

Doctor Brokehand

This is the story of how I went from being an abled bodied man to a crippled invalid. Our story begins on Thursday. It was an atypical day...some of the usual Staples staff had taken the day off to re...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 08:16:00 PST

How very....odd?

Okay, it seems that people actually read this blog. Not only that, but read it frequently. This got me thinking...shouldn't I update more often, perhaps with witicisms and other non-descript idioms? T...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:12:00 PST

The renamening!

What a great word. And if it isn't a real word already, it is now. And if it is a new real word, copyright 2007 Adam Tupper.I felt the need to rename my cats. Why, is probably the first question. Well...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:53:00 PST

Stuff The Simpsons Has Taught Me

Now that TV's longest running sitcom/animated program has hit the big screen, a flurry of blogs/webposts/nerd chatter has gone up about the 10 Greatest this and the 20 Biggest that in relation to the ...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 08:06:00 PST

20 of the Worst Songs Ever

Everyone knows that music is subjective. You like what you like and I like what I like and if they don't match up, it's not the end of the world. One thing that isn't subjective however is bad music. ...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:38:00 PST

The Shaw-Skank Redemption (Thanks Daily Show)

I debated as to whether I should post a blog on Paris Hilton's now confirmed 45 day max jail time. Certainly many other bloggers and websites have commented on this staggeringly important story, so wh...
Posted by Adam (Psychotronik too I suppose...) on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:19:00 PST