: : joshua : : profile picture

: : joshua : :

... and i miss her

About Me

a work in progress...

My Interests

music, motion, meandering...


nick drake, jeff buckley, the frames, adem, kent, leonard cohen, elliott smith, kings of convenience, simon & garfunkel, fourtet, kraftwerk, boards of canada, mondialito, aqualung, dntel, the album leaf, mum, sigur ros, radiohead


current fav's : eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, man on the moon, adaptation, closer, amelie, fear and loathing in las vegas, leon the professional


prison break, little britain, the office, 24, CSI, chapelle's show, lost, tha family guy


the alchemist, angela's ashes, the world according to garp, mother night, LOTR, romeo and juliet, about a boy, sleepers, the bible


my father

My Blog

for viewing pleasure

so i've finally posted some videos up on my myspace.they're nothing too new or special... just some projects i've worked on... some older than others...hope you enjoi.
Posted by : : joshua : : on Tue, 02 May 2006 04:38:00 PST