Travelling, music, amature (at best) photography, thoughtful conversation, board games, dancing, nose-picking, and partying like a rockstar.
People with Pudding Pops in their freezer. And who like to share. That's "Pudding Pops", not those fudge cycles things.
Motion City Soundtrack, Butch Walker, The Format, Aretha Franklin, Billy Joel, Street to Nowhere, Damien Rice, Prince, Jack's Mannequin, My Chemical Romance (don't judge judgers), Rilo Kiley, Say Anything, Ketaset, The Matches, The Spill Canvas, Steriogram, Ben Folds (five or not), RadioHead, Coldplay, Bright Eyes, Kasey Chambers. Ooh, I love that song Bellbottom Blues. Ooh, and that song I got it bad (and that ain't good). The Nina Samone version. Ooh and Hard Harted Hannah. The Ray Charles version. Listen to it. It's good.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sudden Manhatten (if you know this movie I am seriously impressed), Closer, Garden State, Good Will Hunting, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Dazed and Confused, and pretty much any good ole fashion romantic comedy.
Bad reality TV. I have a problem. It's so bad it's good.
I'm Not Myself These Days (so frickin good!!), Choke, The Lovely Bones, Wisdom of Ages (Wayne Dyer), Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman), The Cat in the Hat still gets me, Tipping Point (Malcolm somthingoranother), and I thought Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim was the best Sedaris yet.
My Daddy. Definitely. And if you’re one of those people that turns up their nose at adult women that still use the word "Daddy".... bite me.