Ångel≤ profile picture


~Art washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life...~Picasso

About Me

Myspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics

My Interests

~Bellydancing is my newest passion..., I am absolutely in love with it!.., Its good for the mind body & soul!, And maybe even a fun job eventually..., like teaching it or even performing somewhere or another?, either would be an amazing goal to accomplish. I love the ocean, walking on the beach, collecting shells...The Moon, the stars, astrology, astronomy.... I love to draw & sketch. I try to paint, but it never turns out how I want it to so I never end up finishing most of them.. I like pencils, charcoal, pens & ink more so than paints for this reason.. If I could only get the paint to cooperate?? lol :p Also love to write! Seems to just flow out of me in the best form when I am angry or highly emotional about certain subjects or people! I love to read a good book (specially right b4 bed) wich to me would be something scarey or maybe old that keeps me interested...or I like learning books, art, witchcraft books, tarot, & pictorial history books about Ancient times, Egypt, France, very interested in whats goin on in other countries & cultures now & then... Always in search of pictures that interest me, that I may want to try to sketch..When I get interested in a subject I set out to learn everything possible about it... Im compulsive like that @ times, but thats just me:p You could say that I'm quite the seeker of knowledge!!...I have way to many books.. I also love my movies :) collect way to many of those also....Love incents & candles that smell good :) but who doesnt eh?~Feed my Freaky little Spider :[
.. ..
adopt your own virtual pet! ..

I'd like to meet:

CURRENT MOON .. moon infoAll my favorite Artists, but most of them are dead! ..
~Original Azize ~ Bellydance~1955.... ..~Tribute Rachel Brice ..~Guitar Mafia Fuckin Rocks!!! ..Please add yourself to my map!! You can zoom in on this thing & actually see buildings :) Its purrrrty kewl! ..


~Guitar solo's that fuckin' rock!!!Audioslave, Korn, Nickleback, Pantera, Megadeth,old school Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath, AC/DC :)~ ect., ect....


Also love horror movies~ Oh, & comedy/horror like "Texas chainsaw massacre- Next generation ~Freakin' love that movie!! COmedies are great!! Laughin' your ass off is good for you :))Bridgett Jones cracks me up :)) Oh, and Underworld 2 is a badass movie


- Lost & I really like Greys Anatomy :))

Myspace Icons


ANNE RICE: ~Interview with a Vampire ~The Vampire Lestat ~Queen of the Damned ~The Tale of the Body Thief ~Memnoch the Devil ~Pandora ~Vittorio the Vampire ~The Mummy ~The Witching Hour ~Lasher ~Taltos ~Servant of the Bones ~ViolinANNE RULE: ~True Crime books!!STEPHEN KING: - ~Tommyknockers ~Thinner ~Skeleton Crew ~The Shining ~Salems Lot ~The Running Man ~Rose Red ~Rose Madder ~The Regulators ~Rage ~Pet Sematary ~Needful Things ~Night Shift ~Misery ~It ~Insomnia ~Green Mile parts 1-6 ~Gerald's Game ~Dolores Claiborne ~Desperation ~Dead Zone ~The Dark Towers ~Dark Half ~Danse Macabre ~Cycle of the Werewolf ~Cujo ~Christine ~Carrie ~Cell ~Bag of Bones ~The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Also The Richard Bauchman Books: (wich is also Stephen King) ~The Bachman Books(novel collection) ~Rage ~The Long Walk ~Road Work ~The Running Man ~Thinner ~The Regulators Use to read alot of JOhn Sauls books, growing up!! JOHN SAUL: ~Suffer the Children ~Punish the Sinners ~Cry for the Strangers ~Comes the Blind Fury ~When the Wind Blows ~The God Project ~Nathaniel ~Brainchild ~HellFire ~The Unwanted ~The UnLoved ~Second Child ~SleepWalk ~Darkness ~Shadows ~Guardian ~Black Lightning ~The Presence ~The right hand of Eve ~Nightshade ~MidNight Voices ~Black Creek Crossing & V.C. Andrews - Don't really like the new books her daughter writes now as much as the old ones...... V.C. ANDREWS: ~My Sweet Audrina The Dollanger family series: ~Flowers in the Attic ~Petals on the Wind ~if there be Thorns ~Seeds of Yesterday ~Garden of Shadows The Casteel Family series: ~Heaven ~Dark Angel ~Fallen Hearts ~Gates of Paradise ~Web of Dreams The Cutler Family series: ~Dawn ~Secrets of the Morning ~Twillight's Child ~Midnight Whispers ~Darkest Hour The Landry Family series: ~Ruby ~Pearl in the Mist ~All that Glitters ~Hidden Jewel ~Tarnished Gold The Logan Family series: ~Melody ~Heart Song ~Unfinished Symphony ~Music in the Night ~Olivia The Orphans series: ~Butterfly ~Crystal ~Brooke ~Raven ~Runaways The DeBeers family series: ~Willow ~Wicked Forest Mary Higgins Clark always caught my attention also! MARY HIGGINS CLARK: ~Where Are th Children ~A Stranger is Watching ~The Cradle Will Fall ~A Cry in the Night ~Stillwatch ~Weep No More, My Lady ~While My Pretty One Sleeps ~Loves Music, Loves to Dance ~All Around the Town ~I'll be Seeing you ~Silent Night ~Remember Me ~Let me call you Sweetheart ~Pretend you Don't see her ~Moonlight Becomes you ~All through the Night ~You Belong to Me ~We'll Meet Again ~Before I say Goodbye ~He see's you when your sleeping ~On the Street where you Live ~Daddy's Little Girl ~The Second time Around ~Anastasia Syndrome:& Other stories ~The Lottery Winner:Alvirah & Willy Stories ~Ghost Ship:A Cape Cod Story& Art/painting learning books & Sooooo many more !! ..


Create your own Creature
find your Inner Goddess
Persephone, the goddess of Youth, the Soul and Psyche—symbol of Regeneration, Unseen Wisdom and the Underworld. She is often seen dressed in flowing black robes, wearing a wreath of spring flowers in her hair, and carrying a partially eaten pomegranate. You are a deep and complex romantic who sees the world as it is but is driven to do what is right rather than doing what works. Your romantic notions of intimacy and the energy you put into realizing that closeness can sometimes exhaust you and leave you in melancholic moods—but these often bring you great poetic and artistic inspirations. You are most likely an ISFP (gentle artist), ESFP (performer), ENFP (social philosopher), INTP (scholar), or INTJ (expert) personality type, and your enneagrams are a combination of #4 The Artist, #3 The Performer and #5 The Observer. Because you seek most of all to be unique and free, yours is the third chakra: Manipura (solar plexus), which is associated with independence. Though you can be dark and moody, your aura is suffused with the color yellow, denoting your strong will.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from TestrifficWoohoo lmao If Im so smart then why didnt I know I was :p

My Blog

~Bah, bah, fuckin bah........

  Yup, a blog about completely fuckin nuthin! Yeah, fuck it eh . Its not like anybody really reads this shit anyway right? well, then who in the fuck am I talkin to? That is question.......m...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 06:32:00 PST

~Bellydance Instuctional links....

Snake Charmer - Rachel Brice dances to bassnectar/kraddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXi-ZXbtfic Styles of Bellydance Defined http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHsErY-5rNs Belly Dance Basic - Undulati...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Mon, 14 May 2007 07:45:00 PST

~Blinded by this fuckin insanity!!!

Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 07:32:00 PST

A Kinda Fucked up poem~

Am I fuckin mad?I let my guard down,No motion, No sound.. O! & NO I wont "Shut the Fuck up!!!!"Or Just Suck it all in, Ha, you try to make me, if you think you can!This part of you I cant understa...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:21:00 PST

~Full Moon Lunacy

I awoke from a dream one full moon night, Reason & rationality out of sight,  Woke from the lunacy going on in my mind, Time to run wild under the light,    Unle...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:46:00 PST

~I once knew this Drug...

I once knew this Drug...He took me on a trip! Far above the Moon we flew,Deeper, deeper, in I drew,Knowing surely all the way,getting lost more everyday...Feeling high & feeling fine, He really ki...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:23:00 PST

~Just needed to vent.....

~Alright so I just gotta vent!!  All this shit I fuckin' dread... Slowly loosin' my fuckin' head,Bitchin', cussin' listenin',I'm crazy,he made me!Fuckkin' loosin' it right now..couldnt possi...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 04:08:00 PST

Carmina Burana

~ ¡Para usted, de modo que usted lo puede leer todo & sacia su cureousity. ........It es muy largo!   Carmina Burana Lyrics 1. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)O...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 12:21:00 PST

~Just had to do it !!

Carmina Burana~ This is so beautiful!& having just read some of it,*Thanks to a sweet friend*  After never really reading it before. I just had to go and read it all!! and post some also! Its...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 05:22:00 PST

"Jim Morrison"

  ~Wilderness:"The Lost Writings" ********************"Why do I drink? So that I  can write poetry.Sometimes when it's all spun out and all that is ugly recedes into a deep sleep There is a...
Posted by ≥Ångel≤ on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 04:37:00 PST