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batman aka wil schroter

Wil Schroter a.k.a. batman

About Me

My Career Highlight Reel

Failed Miserably as a Student

I just wasn’t meant to be in a classroom. I graduated at the bottom of my class in High School and got rejected from every college I applied to. When I finally got into college I dropped out as quickly as possible. I went to school with the intent of studying Theatre and being an actor in Hollywood. It didn’t exactly pan out.

Founded Blue Diesel
(Interactive Marketing Agency)
When I was 19 I started my first company, Blue Diesel. It was the dawn of the Internet era and I was starting a Web development company - great timing I suppose. Landed huge clients - BMW, Bank One, Best Buy and Eli Lilly, grew it to $65 million in capitalized billings, and sold it to inChord communications.
Co-Founded Kelltech Internet Services
(Software, Content Management)
While still running Blue Diesel in Columbus, Ohio, I decided to co-found Kelltech Internet Services in Cleveland, Ohio. We started off doing consulting and morphed into a company with a simple content management software platform. Running two companies in two cities wasn't exactly a picnic but Kelltech was later sold to GTCR at a value of about $10 million so we must have done something right.

Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

I became the finalist and recipient of the Ernst & Young and U.S. Small Business Association Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in 1999 respectively. I think everyone in 1999 had +30 points added to their perceived IQ.
They were all subtracted in 2001.

Joined inChord Board of Directors
(Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Ad Agency)
inChord went from being a tiny little ad agency when I joined to becoming one of the fastest growing ad agencies in the country. I had the privilege of sitting on the board while also growing one of the largest lines of business while at Blue Diesel (we sold Blue Diesel to them when they were small). Watched the company grow from $50 million to over $650 million in billings in five years.
(Real Estate Industry)
Great idea, no opportunity. In 1999 I co-founded to help "roll-up" 185 independently-owned real estate companies to create an $8 billion national company. The idea made tons of sense to the founders, just not to the 185 unsigned real estate companies. Hey, it was 1999.

Founded Atomica
(Not-for-profit Arts Organization)
Founded a not-for-profit organization to help promote the convergence of art and technology. Put on some amazing shows and events with some unbelievably talented artists. Still have a hard time understanding how to ask for money with no intent on giving it back! Not-for-profit fundraising is the world's hardest job.
Ohio Businessperson of the Year Award

Named one of Ohio's most distinguished business leaders among past recipients such as Dave Thomas (Wendy's), Robert Lazarus (Lazarus Department Stores), and John McCoy (Bank One). Unfortunately you don't get a billion dollars to go with it like they did.
Joined Swapalease as CEO
(Automotive Leasing Marketplace)
Joined as the CEO and learned how the auto industry works. Within a few years we became the world's largest auto leasing marketplace with over $1 billion in vehicles listed. In case you ever wondered whether that cheesy car salesman is screwing you on your lease - the answer is "yes" - he absolutely is.

Opened a Nightclub
(Entertainment Industry)

Had a stupid idea while nursing a post-New Year’s hang over that it would be a great idea to have a party like New Year’s every weekend. Six weeks later we opened up “Status”, a nightclub that held about 1,000 people and was home to acts such as Danny Howells and the Crystal Method. Closed it the same year. Somehow working from 8 a.m. on Friday (at my regular job) and then on til 4 a.m. Saturday got old really quick.

Created Two Collegiate Scholarships

Created two collegiate scholarships for Washington State University and Marietta College. The irony being I could barely pay for my own tuition a few years prior and dropped out of college completely.

Founded LeasePower
(Financial Services)

After growing Swapalease I realized there was a great opportunity to lease new cars, not just transfer existing leases. So I launched LeasePower. You could pick a car, choose a lease payment, and apply for financing right on-line. It turned out to be a great service for people to get a price low enough to take to a dealer instead of using us.
Published LeaseAdvisor on Paperback

Wrote an entire book about how to lease a car. Sold pretty well, primarily through If you ever find yourself suffering from insomnia, I highly recommend reading (or writing) a book about leasing a car.

Launched the Go BIG Network
(Business to Business E-commerce)

Created the world's largest community of startup companies. I set out to find a way to make life easier for entrepreneurs trying to start and grow their companies. An entrepreneur that joins Go BIG can now have access to tens of thousands of investors, advisors and services to help grow quickly. It's an amazing feeling to help so many people.

Became a Nationally Syndicated Columnist
In preparation for writing a book I asked American City Business Journals if they would let me author a bi-weekly column about starting companies and raising money. Within the first year the column would go on to get syndicated in 42 markets to over 4 million readers.

Published Go BIG or Go HOME

Published Go Big or Go HOME, a book about how to grow a company as fast as humanly possible. Wrote 900 pages in one year which left me with 200 published pages (and a hangover from the amount of caffeine it takes to write 900 pages). Believe it or not, it's really not that hard to write a book - it's just really hard to write a book without going off in a million directions at once.

Joined the Board of the Columbus Symphony

Was pleasantly surprised to be asked to join the Symphony's Board. Partly because the other people on the board are so well-regarded and partly because I'm nobody.

Became a Columnist for Forbes

Started writing for Forbes, the magazine that changed my life as a kid. When I was 19 I was riding the bus back and forth every day to the law firm I was interning at. I never cared about business but read Forbes during the bus ride all the time because it was the only magazine the law firm had sitting around. Reading the Forbes coverage of great entrepreneur literally made me want to become one myself. Within three months I had started my first company, Blue Diesel. So you can imagine writing for the magazine means a lot to me! ( My first column )

Became a Columnist for Largest Men's Pub -

Started as a regular columnist for, the largest men's publication with over 5 million readers per month. It was really cool to just write "guy stuff" and not just "business stuff", although I think transitioning to relationship advice probably ain't gonna happen. ( My first column )

Joined the Board of the GroundWork Group

The GroundWork Group is helping bring technology to non-profits. Up until now the idea of "non profit" and "technology" was a fear of mine, not a goal.

Wrote for TechCrunch, GigaOm, and VentureBeat

Began contributing to TechCrunch , GigaOm , and VentureBeat , some of the most innovative blogs on the Web. The rate at which guys like Michael Arrington consume and publish stories is just beyond my capacity. The guy is superhuman!

Joined the Board of Young Isaac

Young Isaac is one of the most creative and energetic ad agencies in Columbus. I can't get enough of the work they've been doing, and their founder, Artie Isaac is a genius.

Joined the Board of Navigator Management Partners

Got back to my consulting roots and joined the board of Navigator Management partners alongside Jeff Wilkins, the guy who founded CompuServe before anyone knew what the Internet was (except Vint Cerf I guess).

Featured in Wall Street Journal

The hallmark of an entrepreneur's career in my mind is either the cover of Forbes (I'm happy just with the columnist job) or a feature in the Wall Street Journal. It was really cool to see this feature when it was printed. Actually, it was almost eerie because I associate the Journal with far more respectable businesspeople than me in it. ( Online Version )

(Casting for TV Online)

If you read the rest of my bio you'll learn one thing - I really wanted to be an actor and totally blew it. GotCast is my second hope. We're turning Hollywood on it's head by bringing the casting process online. Now I've got more opportunities to get rejected from Hollywood than ever! It also marks the 10th company that I've started.

Little Known Facts About Wil

In case I ever become famous and you wind up as one of the remaining contestants for "Final Jeopardy", these facts could prove invaluable.

I graduated at the bottom of my class in High School

Someone had to be at the "top" of the class, someone had to be at the bottom. I was the one at the bottom out of 250 students. I graduated with a remarkable 1.2 GPA after barely making it through a Home Ec class that my teacher let me take to graduate. I got rejected from every college I applied to. Needless to say with a 1.2 GPA you don't go very far in the admissions process.

I got rejected from every college I applied to.

Instead I just started "showing up" in college and eventually they let me start getting credit. That's no exaggeration, I really just started showing up.

I dropped out of college at OSU

I'm a big fan of the Ohio State University ("let's go Bucks!"), but when I was there the Internet was just taking off and it wasn't a very good time to be hanging out inside a classroom. Besides, I was a terrible student.

I've written two children's books

They aren't published (yet) but I've written a whole series of stories about a superhero cucumber named "Cucumbro" who rules over "Home Pickle" and fights colorful characters like "Bananaman" and "Radishian". Yes, I know these are juvenile concepts but I wrote the books when I was 16 and Vegetales hadn't come out yet.

I used to own a nightclub

When I was younger (not much, but younger) I opened up a nightclub in Columbus, Ohio called "Status". We went from concept (me waking up New Year's day and deciding we should keep the party going permanently) to implementation (six weeks later we opened up the club) in record time. We closed it that same year, but still played host to some great nights and great acts like Danny Howells and The Crystal Method.

I ran a BBS on my Commodore 64 Computer when I was 10

Call it "way before the Internet bubble", but in 1985 I was running a Color64 Bulletin Board System on a Commodore 64 Computer with a 300 baud modem tying up my parent's phone line. Ten years later when the Internet boom hit this would prove to be a real helpful move.

I auditioned for the lead role in the movie "Primal Fear"

When I was leaving high school all I ever wanted to do was pursue acting. So when I got into college I got a talent agent and started going on auditions. I did some commercials and such, but at one point I got to audition for the lead role in the movie "Primal Fear". Needless to say I didn't come close, but the guy who did get it (damn you, Edward Norton) went on to become a huge superstar. I suppose if you're going to lose the role to someone, it may as well be Edward Norton.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Parties.. parties.. I don't even know where to start.

Me and Erik Estrada... sort of.

For a Cinco De Mayo party I tried to convince everyone that Erik Estrada was going to be co-hosting it with me. I thought my photoshop skillz were good enough to fool people into thinking that was me on the right, but I think the jean shirt and brown vest combo gave me away. Curse you, Erik Estrada!


I'm like Nascar without the mullet!

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Imagine if instead of wearing regular clothes you could dress up like a race car driver or Superman and just go to work. Man life would be more exciting! This was probably the best Halloween party I had ever thrown with 250 people completely dressed up in costume. The girls in the picture came as a huge group of "angels" in a big stretch white limo. Nice!

The Crystal Method @ Status

At full size you still don't know what this is.

The best night we ever had at Status (back in my life as Club-owner) was with the Crystal Method that tore the place up. It was an amazing night. I remember the line was out the door, across the parking lot, and down the street to get in. There's nothing better than knowing at the end of the night that someone else has to clean up this mess! This is the only picture I have of that night and ironically it's exactly how I remember it (blurry, couldn't make anything out all that well..)

New Year's Eve "Silver Ball"

The view from the DJ booth at midnight

I've tried doing the "exotic New Year's" trips in Vegas, New York, Rome, etc. but I can honestly say the best New Year's ever was when I just had all of my friends at my house for the Silver Ball. We brought in a load of DJ's, took all the furniture out of the house, built dancing platforms eveywhere, and dropped thousands of silver balloons from the cieling at midnight. Who needs Times Square?


My Dysfunctional Relationship with Cars

I have a love/hate relationship with cars. I love to drive them and hate to deal with them. Here's my sordid history of some of my favorites...

Lamborghini Gallardo

"Someone finally built a supercar that drives like a real car!"

My second Lambo, and my favorite exotic of all time. There's only one way to describe the Gallardo - badass. It's fast, sleek, and actually runs like a real car, unlike the Lamborghini Diablo, which was like a sweet looking do-it-yourself kit that fell apart as you drove it down the road. Oh, and believe it or not, the paddle shifters rock!

Acura NSX

"Just like a Ferrari, but built by people who went to college."

Easily the most reliable and easy-to-use "supercar" out there. The first time I went on a lot to buy this car I practically got kicked out of the show room by the dealer who thought I was just some punk kid looking for a joyride. The story actually made the front section of the business papers with a headline "Sure he drives, but does he shave yet?"

Ferrari 348 Spyder

Dad rolling strong in my Ferrari.

The 348 was the best and worst of all worlds. It was horribly under-powered for what you'd expect out of a Ferrari. Yet the open-top with a tuned V-8 on a summer day gave the most incredible whine when opening it up on open roads.

BMW 528 / BMW 540i

Sunny days, clear skies in my new 5

Got the new 5-series when it just came in 1997 and have been a die hard BMW fan ever since. The 5-series was easily one of the best sedans ever built, even to this day. The new 5-series suck by comparison. Upgraded to a 540 soon after and couldn't get enough of it.

Ferrari 355 Spyder

Top.. down.. chrome spinnin'...

The most balanced and well-built Ferrari up until that point. Yellow was a little too Miami Vice, but it was still a sweet ride. Of course by this point I had racked up 6 points on my license and my insurance went into the 5-figure range per year. Ugh..

Lamborghini Diablo

My own personal rollercoaster

The Lambo was the most kick-ass ride of all time, assuming you didn't mind paying through the nose to keep it out of the shop. I probably drove this car 15 times the first year I had it and got pulled over half the time - usually for no reason. This car would mark the end of my preferred driver rates with my insurance company.

BMW 745 / 750i

The Batmobile

When Bruce Wayne's not fighting crime in the Batmobile, this is what he drives to work. Picked up the 2002 745 when it came out and it was loaded with problems. Traded it in for a 2006 750 and it's bulletproof. This thing pretty much drives itself.

Porsche 911

The Weeniemobile

Tried combining a sports car and a luxury car to get the best of both worlds. Wound up with a 911 which was the worst of both. It wasn't that thrilling of a sports car and it's too tiny to feel luxurious. Plus every guy that drives one looks like a weenie. I don't know why that is and I would never use the word "weenie" in any other context.


My first children's book - "Cucumbro - Savior of Produce!"

Harry Potter is a beyotch

In the first book, Cucumbro has to open up a "can o' whoop-ass" on Bananaman who steals his girl, Princess Orangina. After he's done he brings her back to his crib at Home Pickle and gets his freak on.

OK, so that's not exactly what it says on the back cover, but you get the point.



The 2006-2007 was the dream season for my teams. All three of my teams (Bears, Tigers and Bucks) made it to the championship game and had record seasons. Can't say the outcomes were always spectacular on the big games, but man it's been a long time coming. I love the underdogs!

Detroit Tigers

Opening Day at Comerica Park

Chicago Bears

The Nosebleed seats at Soldier Field

The Ohio State Buckeyes