The Famous Chicago Bob! profile picture

The Famous Chicago Bob!

When I don't get my bath I take it out on the slaves.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Listen here wolfchilde... I speak to you of the science of mythology! I speak of maverick deviation, the psychotronic love commandos! We shall be drunk on stars, we shall fear nothing! Demand the impossible! Dream your destiny! Defy the logic of alphabets! I slayed the king of the wolves! Nothing is impossible!

At the core, I am just a really nice guy who believes in the basic goodness of people. I have my own unique code of ethics that I live by, that most folks just don't get, but I don't wallow in that 'noone understands me' BS. I have simply come to understand that all people have their own paths to walk, and mine is more solitary than most. I have been lucky to be surrounded by good and loving friends my whole adult life, so I can't complain. I read a lot, cook (well), poke smot here and there, drink a lot of coffee, and brew my own Mead. (honey wine... it's good...look it up). And when I can, I get out and enjoy crowded clubs as much as quiet bars and cafe's. You are just as likely to find me at a MonsterMagnet show as Children of Bodom, just as likely to find me sitting quietly with Selene, my snake, just chilling out listening to Peter Murphy or Bel Canto, just as likely to find me with my nose buried in a book in a corner coffee shop as you are to find me at the front table at a blues or jazz club laughing with friends. Enigmas galore! (whatever... I believe ALL people have diverse interests, they are just so busy trying to pigeonhole everyone else that they pigeonhole themselves.) Oh yeah... I work as a DJ. it's a ton of fun on the best days, and a damned chore on the worst. But it's definitely better than diggin' ditches, I know from experience.I like songs of misery as much as songs of joy, long hair on men and women, big black boots, leather jackets, the smells of oils and spices, and furniture made by hand, of wood. I believe the world is a magickal place, meant for learning and doing, and I will die believing this before I am made to believe otherwise.Still reading? Cool. Lets you and me be friends.
This song has always felt like the theme for my life...

My Interests

Rock & Roll, Heavy Metal(classics, roots, thrash, black, power), Goth Rock (the pretty stuff, the old stuff, the hard stuff), swords, fantasy, sci-fi, Renaissance Faire (particularly Bristol!), costumes, Silver, incense, candles, pin-up art, architecture. I'm a gamer who generally hates gamers... sorry, social skills are required. I do love the depth of imagination it takes to run a great tabletop game. I just hate the inability to interact with mundane folks that it tends to engender. I love the World of Darkness, and have a rather extensive collection of materials for it. I play Bloodbowl every chance I get, which is far too rare. And I play a lot of videogames. Lately it's been my PS2 and the World of Warcraft. Drop on in to the Garona server and say high to Mordanis or CrazyHarry, both Alliance.

I'd like to meet:

Well, I found my sexy Goth-Metal Bellydancing rocker girl. And I plan on making her the happiest woman in all the world, to the very best of my abilities. I am of course still open to making new friends. However, I now must join the ranks of "Send me a mssage and introduce yourself first". If I don't know you in the RL, or if we don't seem to have a whole lot in common, sorry, I am simply not going to add you. And as far as bands go, if I like you, I will probably add you myself.


That WOULD say it all, but it really doesn't cover it. I was raised on 50's doo-wop and early rock and roll/rockabilly by my parents. My Dad listened to rock radio in the 70's and some 60's and 70's soul, so I was versed in what is now called 'Classic Rock' and 'Old School Soul' at a very young age. I am a child of the 80's so I was there for New Wave, PostPunk, early Goth, and the early days of music videos. I got turned on to heavy metal in the mid-80's like most kinds in my neighborhood. The real stuff, mind you... I am talking about Iron Maiden, Dio, Black Sabbath, EARLY Metallica, Saxon, Mercyful Fate and so on.I turned 21 in 1991, and I grew up next to Chicago, so I was very involved in the grunge and industrial music scenes of that era. You know that Ministry live Vid? "Just in case you didn't feel like showing up"? I showed up. That's me and my friends tearing down the cage at the Star Plaza Theater. I was simply never one to be stuck to one musical genre. I have a deep and abiding love for music, and the older I become, the more of it I love. My music collection is very large, and runs the course from Bel Canto to Immortal. From Sade to Bruce Cockburn. From Elvis Presley to Johnny Cash. From Orange Goblin to Dropkick Murphys. And I really have 'been there and done that' for most of it, but that is said with no sarcasm. More of my favorite memories are tied to concerts and albums and musical experiences than anything else.


Excalibur, Jacob's Ladder, Goodfellas, Tombstone, LOTR, Se7en, 12 Monkeys, Prince of Darkness, Big Trouble in Little China, Pulp Fiction, Heat, Drop Dead Gorgeous.


Mostly stand-up comedy on Comedy Central... but also The Simpsons, The Family Guy, Invader Zim, ROBOT CHICKEN!!!!!, Perfect Hair Forever (yeah, I saw the pilot episode when it originally aired years ago. Nobody believed me for ages...).


Professor Tolkien and David Gerrold are my favorite fiction authors, but recently I have read: Forge of God, The Godfather Returns (really was pretty good, if you liked Mario Puzo), Disclosure, Sleepers, Weaveworld, Mother of Storms (Read it.. DAMN good book!). Yeah, I'm a Harry Potter person. It took me less than a day's casual reading to finish the last book.


King Arthur. I am a huge nut for the Arthurian Myths... something I have studied for years.

My Blog

Spartans! Tonight we dine in Karazhan!

Posted by Bob on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:15:00 PST

All Glory to the....

Posted by Bob on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:22:00 PST

All Glory to the....

Posted by Bob on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:22:00 PST

kinda intense...
Posted by Bob on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:32:00 PST

For my metalhead friends

Shot at 2007-07-26
Posted by Bob on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 06:16:00 PST

spider pig

Posted by Bob on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:42:00 PST

I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there.

One of my top 100 favorite songs of all time. And the best version, from Aloha From Hawaii. Pre- Fat Elvis, back when he was still an entertainer....
Posted by Bob on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:01:00 PST

Teddy is back. And this time, it's personal.

Posted by Bob on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:17:00 PST

I'm a survivor type

Posted by Bob on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:19:00 PST

As if we didn't know they were all in the discipline-closet anyway...
Posted by Bob on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:39:00 PST