DUGII profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

20 Years Ago, I...
1.Lived near the northern beaches
2.Best friend was Alex Harvey
3.Only cared for riding my bike
15 Years Ago, I...
1.Was playing badminton at junior nationals
2.Gettin close to the HSC but still didn't give a dam
3.Was obsessed with the image of a woman 24/7
10 Years Ago, I...
1.Had a Russian girlfriend - hadn't been with an Asian girl yet
2.Had lots of girls that i didnt know fancied me and was too chicken shit to do anything about the ones I knew about
3.Believed that the woman comes first in a relationship
5 Years Ago, I...
1.Bought my first apartment + car
2.Was sure what I wanted and thought the world was my oyster
3.Loved living my life and enjoyed being me
3 Years Ago, I...
1.Was seriously in the zone and gettin action left right and centre-Player's life.
2.Realised who my real friends are
3.Started having way too many serious relationships
1 Year Ago, I...
1.Reached a level of confidence that disgusted women (But they know they like it)
2.Had plans to travel, work and study overseas
3.Was living the life I always dreamed of
So far in the past year, I...
1.I've travelled, studied and worked overseas
2.Gotten some serious action as well as some serious relationships
3.Began to wonder: "what's next?"
Yesterday, I...
1.Was doing a 13 hour day at work on a Sunday
2.Had too many drinks with a girl taller than me.
3.Spent the night with someone I thought I'd strangely never see again.
Today, I...
1.Got no sleep
2.Did another 14 hour day at work.
3.Was planning my studies and travel plans for the year to come.
Tomorrow, I...
1.Will be going to work late
2.Paying back a good friend money which saved my ass
3.Starting a diet to get this body bak in shape..

My Blog

Anyone who thinks sex is over-rated just isn't doing it right.

While we all know women need to get fucked just like it's done in porno films, it is a rarity to find a women who will actually tell a guy to fuck her brains out. The unfortunate fact is that guys ca...
Posted by DUGII on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:15:00 PST

that's it now lick my balls .. .yeah . . . now taste me further down. . yeah that piece skin .

Ass rimming - Right or wrong ? Do u girls out there do it for your man ? Do you ass rim another girl for your man's visual pleasure ? Do you like a good rimming b4 an ass fucking ? I think it adds lu...
Posted by DUGII on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 04:55:00 PST

Creamy Salty Goodness  an oral gift from me to the ladies

I love watching my cum spit all over a girls tongue as it slides down her throat while she looks up at me with those pretty little eyes.  Its a beautiful sight. Its something I must video taping ...
Posted by DUGII on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 08:52:00 PST


Women like to fuck tall + rich guys. Guys like to fuck young + slim girls. I'm sure statistically this rule holds true but on a person by person basis, it wud be proved wrong. Being short and humble m...
Posted by DUGII on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:55:00 PST

Girl A: "Dugii ur arms are so hairy". Dugii:"Yeah wait till u c my balls. . "

When I meet a girl's parents I know they hate me. They give me that disappointing look then politely look away. This is because they know their daughter is gonna get fucked. In return I always keep t...
Posted by DUGII on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:38:00 PST

You know what's out there ? MY DICK !! TAKE IT . . IT'S YOURS !!!

Troy on dvd is good. I remember seeing that in the cinema last year with 3 girls. All i can say is that people like brad pitt can make girls believe anything. In the movie, brad is a killer who just ...
Posted by DUGII on Thu, 18 May 2006 12:24:00 PST


OK this posting is pretty explicit - so if ur not down with reading this kinda stuff, click on this website: www.i-live-in-a-box.com  . . .otw .. .proceed! Sum friends commented that last year I...
Posted by DUGII on Thu, 18 May 2006 12:24:00 PST

10 things girls have said about / to me:

10 things girls have said about / to me: you know those male animals f*cking all the females animals on the discovery channel ? thats you youre so arrogant and your confidence disgusts me youre cute,...
Posted by DUGII on Thu, 18 May 2006 12:23:00 PST