art, politics, film, music, text, sound...
From History: Martin Luther King, jr., John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Gertrude Stein (even though she would hate me), E.E. Cummings, Socrates, Aristotle, Abbot Suger, Siddhartha, Jesus, and any philosopher worth his or her salt, Caravaggio, Joseph Beuys, Artemesia Gentileschi, etc., etc., etc. ... Contemporary: Jimmy Carter (to say thank you for being a great human being), Christian Boltanski, Laurie Anderson, Leslie Dill (again), ok... Johnny Depp and Peter Gabriel...anyone with passion and love for what they do and/or an interesting mind...
John Lennon, Peter Gabriel, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Doc Watson, Autour de Lucie, Johnny Cash, BeauSoleil, Andrew Stoltz, the Beatles, Exuent, etc., etc., etc...
It's A Wonderful Life (my religion), the Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, White Lightening, Dead Man, Harry Potter III, Amelie, Mirror Mask, Closer, Schultze Gets the Blues, and too many more to name... but I'm also a huge fan of trailers (often better than the film)... a great one... Art School Confidential (much better than the film)...
I don't watch alot of television... the History Channel, David Letterman (still), Craig Ferguson and the Family Guy... that about covers it.
... all the Harry Potter Books, The Once and Future King, the Mary Stewart Merlin Triology, Flannery O'Conner, Elaine Pagels, John Dominic Crossan; other than that mostly books on history... far too many to mention...
Martin Luther King, jr., Ghandi, Jimmy Carter, anyone who works for peace, equatity and a world worth living in...