spending time with my Heavenly Father, golfing, wishing I was a good runner, knock out basketball, scrapbooking, writing, television trivia, hanging out with awesome youth group teens, colorado, mountains, hiking, camping, watching the steeple chase, being with my friends, taking road trips, the beach, swimming pools, my family.
Jesus Christ, Peyton Manning, Doug Fields, Billy Graham, Nancy Reagan, Bobby Knight, Chris Rice, Tiger Woods, Kate Spade, Donald Miller, John Piper, Rob Bell...
Jars of Clay, Third Day, Switchfoot, Hillsong, Audio Adrenaline, Casting Crowns, Gavin DeGraw, Johnny Cash, Disney soundtracks.
Anne of Green Gables, The Sound of Music, Newsies, Napoleon Dynamite, Annie, Rudy, Hoosiers, Batman Begins, Hope Floats, Wedding Planner, Legend of the Falls.
The Office, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Saved by the Bell, Full House, Gilmore Girls, Home Improvement, Friends.
The Bible. Any C.S. Lewis, The Giving Tree by Shell Silverstein
Jesus Christ, my father, my grandfathers.