Julianne profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am married (2004) with two furry children (Maggie and Sadie) whom I can legally leave home alone. I work as the office/traffic manager at a radio station where I get occasional air time as well. I've been in radio since 1996 (I feel so old when I realize that), and if I'm not at work, you can almost guarantee I'm at my church doing SOMETHING (hopefully productive). I am usually only home to sleep, but I feel at peace that I'm where God has planned for me to be. :)

My Interests

Music, church, intelligent conversation, and MOVIES! Check out www.radiohillsdale.com/bob_and_juli_main.htm


Jeremy & Adie Camp, Rebecca St. James, Andrew Peterson, Alison Krauss and Union Station, Nickel Creek, Susan Tedeschi, and most any blues music - especially Chinese blues (written by Janay).


Steel Magnolias, Beaches, Terms of Endearment, Office Space, Little Miss Sunshine, Chicken Little, The Commitments, The Wedding Planner, Sideways, Boyz N the Hood, New Jack City...log onto www.radiohillsdale.com/bob_and_juli_main.htm for my opinion on the latest flicks!


ER is my all time favorite show followed by The Sopranos and Northern Exposure, I love Mikey from OC Choppers! Grey's Anatomy, THE OFFICE, Joy of Painting (with the late Bob Ross!), House, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Kids by the Dozen, The 4400, Grey's Anatomy.


Let's face it...I buy them, but if they don't have pictures, I never read 'em.


Any Christian who's ever stood up for what they believe even though they may be ridiculed. I don't always have the courage to do it! And, anyone who has self-control and discipline. I'm at a loss as to if I'll ever obtain these traits!

My Blog

Blah, blah, blahg

Mkay...continuing the saga, since I have three or four faithful readers! First off, today there will be homework.  Log onto www.hillsdalefmc.org, and listen to the sermon from 2/25/07. ...
Posted by Julianne on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:26:00 PST

Am I the Crazy One?

I guess I'm just a complete ass here.  Why am I the ONLY one at my workplace who thinks that having a cat in the building (permanently) is completely inappropriate?  Okay, so this cat (one ...
Posted by Julianne on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 08:14:00 PST

And DEN...

NOW...ladies and gents, it's sleep apnea!  HA! I curse you, oh god of health!  Who needs ya?! For real, the most hilarious thing about my second sleep test last night is that I didn't even K...
Posted by Julianne on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:39:00 PST

Falling Apart Before 30!!

Holy crap!  I'm almost 30, but I finally fit in with America's deteriorating health!  Thank God!How, you ask?  Yesterday, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia which, in turn, has caused...
Posted by Julianne on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:44:00 PST

Mama always said...

Actually, Mama never said much of anything to me in the way of advice.  It could have been that she knew I'd say "...whatever...".  I still would. Could 'Mama' have adequately warned me abou...
Posted by Julianne on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 09:45:00 PST

What up, ho's?

What's hilarious is that I only seem to have time to blog when I'm at work...hmmm, something wrong with this scenario.  No worries; I'm hourly.  Did you ever wonder what the point of p...
Posted by Julianne on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 05:36:00 PST

Aw yeah boyee

Union Perk is really taking off...we have booked two national touring acts who will perform in July and August (eLi & Kendall Payne).  I am so excited, yet scared at the same time!  This...
Posted by Julianne on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 08:12:00 PST

Hooray, Hillsdale - they've done it again!

Boy, am I a sorry sap sometimes.  I think it's the weather because I feel fine now compared to my last blog.  We're broke and in debt with no sign of improvement, but who cares?  God lo...
Posted by Julianne on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 01:08:00 PST

Waste of my existence...

So I'm pushing 30, now have ten years' radio experience, and I'm in Hillsdale.  Sitting at a board.  Babysitting a college basketball game.  Is this a complete waste of my talents? Mayb...
Posted by Julianne on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:06:00 PST