Music. Metallic Music. Throwing Music Festivals. Being Famous in my own faction.
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'What is your life score?' at
Joseph Smith (Because He Said So), and ummm the dude the brought us Lord Xenu.... I really wanna kick them guys asses up and down Thornapple River!!
Ya Know.. Maybe George Dubya, so I can ask who really runs the country.
And maybe, just maybe.....The Dude who wrote "Snakes on a Plane" THE BEST GOD DAMN MOVIE EVER MADE!!! Muwhahahaha
AJ Brass will go to jail for ...
Celebrating nude day
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Psychopathic Records... Most metal.. Definetly luv System of a Down, Pantera, Metallica, Mo' FUCKING Biggsley!!! CORE IVAN "King C Bitch" Bottle Before and a Bottle After!! Big Jim + Twins!!
'Why are you going to hell?' at
just about anything with
Al Pacino,
Mel Gibson,
Tom Hanks,
Tommy Lee Jones in it fucking rock.
I'm also a REALLY big Kevin Smith fan. Cant wait for "The Passion of the Clerks" LOL (Damn Jews, we know who really run Hollywood)
Well lets see here.. some of the shows that I can't live without are "The Shield" because Micheal Chiklis is the absolute shit in that series. StarGate SG-1 is pretty damn good lately. FireFly will always have a place in my heart...really wish that show would not have been cancelled, however Serenety was a good closer for the show. I watch the History Channel quite often. I feel it is good to know what life was about back in the helps us prepare for our future.
Douglas Adams (That is Hitchhiker's Guide to thou who don't know)
Scott Cunningham
Harry Potter!!!! He's gonna die!
Anne Rice
this guy Rob Eureka that I read online....
The Bloody Pope.... we can't all be Perfect, but he can!