Family, Friends, Photography, Genealogy, Scuba - even tho' I get seasick, Horses - even tho' I don't have one anymore, Travel, Cooking, Planning & Catering Parties and Events, Entertaining, People and the LAKE, where life IS wonderful.
"YOU" & other Fun People that like to laugh. Oh, and Alan Shore- McSexy from Boston Legal (aka James Spader) - He makes me laugh and... I lust for him. Bon Jovi would be fine to meet too - he's just a McHottie & we should not exclude McDreamy - Patrick Dempsey!
Everything except Rap and Heavy Metal.
Suspense, Comedies, Romance - I'm not big on blowing stuff up or Alien stuff - except maybe ET - that was cute.
I love the forensic shows - also Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, Two and a Half Men, 24 - I have to TIVO them to watch when the time allows -- TIVO now there's an invention! Watching TV without it sucks.
I really don't sit still long enough to read too much, but... Harry Potter, biographies and love stories. I like the books on tape... read while you drive!!
My Parents, My Brother & My Baby Girl