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Perky in Tejas

"Take your fun with you -- it's not always provided."

About Me

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I like to laugh even if it's at myself! I love Photography & have been taking classes at TCC. Summer 2005 I was able to take a class in France & Italy. Since I have been spending so much time at the campus anyway, I decided to branch out and work on an Associates Degree. Getting the basics now as I continue my studies in photography, and will make the big decision (degree plan) later. I owned & operated a Uniform Shop from 1979-1984 and I really want to leave all the paper work & stress to someone who doesn't have anything better to do! Selling the Shop was Good. I took a few years to be a PTA, Booster Club, Rodeo Team, Dance Team, Cheerleading Mom and loved every minute of it. Now, I am a before & after school Nanny, a professional organizer, & photographer! Thus the "Diversified Duties"!!!I'm on a new mission: To face the things in life that I have feared most! (This ought to be an interesting trip!!!) I REALLY JUST WANT TO ENJOY THE MOMENT & ALL GOOD THINGS IN LIFE.

My Interests

Family, Friends, Photography, Genealogy, Scuba - even tho' I get seasick, Horses - even tho' I don't have one anymore, Travel, Cooking, Planning & Catering Parties and Events, Entertaining, People and the LAKE, where life IS wonderful.

I'd like to meet:

"YOU" & other Fun People that like to laugh. Oh, and Alan Shore- McSexy from Boston Legal (aka James Spader) - He makes me laugh and... I lust for him. Bon Jovi would be fine to meet too - he's just a McHottie & we should not exclude McDreamy - Patrick Dempsey!


Everything except Rap and Heavy Metal.


Suspense, Comedies, Romance - I'm not big on blowing stuff up or Alien stuff - except maybe ET - that was cute.


I love the forensic shows - also Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, Two and a Half Men, 24 - I have to TIVO them to watch when the time allows -- TIVO now there's an invention! Watching TV without it sucks.


I really don't sit still long enough to read too much, but... Harry Potter, biographies and love stories. I like the books on tape... read while you drive!!


My Parents, My Brother & My Baby Girl

My Blog

I heard it - I definitely like it....

"Yesterday belongs to someone else, today belongs to me!"Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.....and never regret anything that made you smil...
Posted by Perky in Tejas on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:52:00 PST