Rashed profile picture


Say: He is Allah (GOD), the One and Only! Allah (GOD), the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor i

About Me

What's there to know about the slave when the Master of the heavens and the earths is yet to be known. Just a simple guy living a gifted life making sense of life connecting to HIM. Born in Asia living in US gaining knowledge. With parents, siblings and friends. Enjoying the beauty and facing the sorrow. Making the difference. For a better life, a better world.

True Islam



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Wanna Believe the hijakers or wanna find it out yourself? Your call....

When Islam is a mixture: Culture vs Islam

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Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

History, religion, philosophy, sports, voluntary or charity work, traveling, driving and adoing anything new.

I'd like to meet:

The whole world.


The Truth about Life

Who are you? What is the purpose of this life? Where do we fit in? Will we live forever?This video deals with the reality of death and how we perceive ourselves. When we become old we begin to ask the very questions we should've asked when we were young. We get so caught up in daily life and soon find ourselves at the brink of death.Find out the true purpose of life and the reality of the world!Visit www.IslamicVideos.net for more videos like this!

The Veil (Hijaab) www.prohijab.net


Women of Islam - Abdul Malik

Speech by Imam Abdul Malik to a student organization at the City College of New York entitled “Women in Islam,” October 17, 2002What was it like for Women before Islam? What was it like for Women in Islam? and What would it be like for women today without Islam?Discuss similer issues in our forum http://statusquo.muslimways.com/forum/ Uploaded by http://statusquo.muslimways.com The Message and Gladiator.

A five minute introduction to Islam for non-Muslims and Muslims who want to clear their basic concepts about Islam. This video should clear some basic misconceptions about Islam inshAllah!

Quran and its miraculous attributes.

Quran and its miraculous attributes... and its predictions which science is discovering today. Quran is indeed the word of God.


All the generals of GOD, specially Prophet Mohammed(Peace and Blessings be upon them all).