|rEne profile picture


He's more ThaN a man & thiS is MorE thAn LuRve

About Me

[bbzSpace Dancing Lines]Me?...mmmm no longer in shah alam cuz i'm stayin in jb now...back for gud.hahha maybe..urmm whHUt Else?I'm a NiTe pErSon...My NiTE LiFe iS fiLLED Wif ENterTaiNment huahahahahaha...IF tHeRe's ANytHinG in Da WoRld Dat i nEEd to Do..i WaNNa D0 It At Nite...eNtErTaiNmEnt is ma Life...ma LiFE is EntERtaInmEnt....Me? cAn Be BiThCy WhEn i WaNT To ...CAN B NiCe When i nEeD to...W3LL, iF u Me3t me 4 da fiRst tiMe, u'll instantaneoUsLy ThiNk That i'm No moRe than SnoBbish, Proud and SelF ceNterEd gUrl...hahaha Don'T BlamE u Guys..mayBe ma face imply all dAt..wELL it's not True..i'm Pleasantly nice one n Get to Known BetTer, serIousLy 'no joke'..i can b Loads of Fun when thEre's no PmS to geT in The way That is...huhu Whut U Se3 is Whut u GeT..MmMmM ThE UnNoTiCeD UsUaLLy UnVeILs ItSeLf In ThE LeAsT ExPeCtEd MoMeNt.ThAt's WhEn We ReALiSeD ThAt We HaVe BeEn ObLiViOuS To ThE MoRe SuBtLe ThInGs In LiFe.SoMeHoW FoR Me,It's NOT A MaTtEr Of BeInG UnNoTiCeD BuT RaThEr My PrEfErEnCe To ReMaIn UnSpOKeN...

My Interests

love to sing out loud in my car even tau tak sedap langsung...but who cares neway..hahaha..me like wan + watching movie + enjoy listening to music + end of month + mega sales + shoppin...fashion....dorothy perkins......fcuk....topshop....cleo......givenchy..... + bobo n patrick + wan + wan + wan :)

I'd like to meet:

well...i only make fren wif kewl people...those who's damn bored are not invited to become my fren...hahahahahahahaha *evil laugh* but then the one dat i love to meet most is..........cheng cheng cheng... :)



house music, r&b, soul......ruffedge, v.e, DEWA, DEWA. DEWA, DEWA, DEWA, padi, tere, cokelat, sex pistol, the cure. weezer. coldplay, sixpence non the richer...112 ...craig david...actually anything goes as long as da music is good to ma ears and up to da beat


serendipity, high fidelity, life less ordinary, never been kissed, chasing amy, life is beautiful, beautiful life, hitch, legally blonde,school of rock,down with love


lost, csi of course, gilmore girls, charmed, straight guy, living wif lydia, alias, 24, any reality show...emmm tempation island perhaps


my saving books, my notebook

