Leya@Hot.fm profile picture

[email protected]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi everyone. First of all i'd like to make clear, my name is spelled A.L.E.Y.A. Not with double-Es, and definitely NOT with an I. How would you like it if I mispelled or mis-pronounced your name (which your parents so proudly gave you!)!?! So please get it right and i will do my best to get your name right k. thanks.My life has been an interesting one. I've done things i'm extremely proud of and things i wish i could erase from my memory and past. My accomplishments are nothing to scream about (in my opinion) but they mean a lot to me. I love working. I have a job that pays well and i always have a smile on my face on the way to work. Most think what i do is easy. HAH, try it, be good at it and then you can comment! I DARE you!!!Everyone i've ever met have had an effect, one way or another in my life. Some influenced me, some taught me how to change and most didn't even know they were doing it. To these people i say thank you. I may not like some of you but i'm indebted to you. The people who are important to me and who i love are of course my family. My dad (for teaching me how to survive), my mom (for teaching me to believe in myself), Leysha and Nana (for making me feel i'm needed all the time) and Nani (for never letting me feel lonely). My wonderful Ashraf who understands whatever and no matter what. I'd be lost without him. L.A.M.B, who i grew up with, cried with and lived with. Julie (my conscience), Jojee (my voice of reason) and Claire (my strength). Iskandar, Yoda, Rayyan and Lara for being there when i needed guidance and a place to run to. Without these people, i wouldn't be who i am. So for those of you who want to get to know me more, just ask them. I promise you, each of them will give you a different answer.I live for the moment, in the moment. I seldom plan just because it's tiring and dissapointing when i don't get what i want, when i want it. I just go with the flow, less stress lah!!! So basically, this is me now. Who knows, it might change somewhere down the line. Here's hoping...~If you don't know if you have ever felt true love, you haven't!~* Sharifah AMANI DAH ADA MYSPACE!!! Boleh add using my TOP FRIENDS!!! *Wassalam & God Bless~Check out my Blog at www.hotfm.com.my love layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies

My Interests

Find out at www.hotfm.com.myAnything to do with the arts... Music, Films, Theatre, Books, etc... Oh, and Muhammad Ashraf B. Aasimudin.

I'd like to meet:

Someone nocturnal, like me. Someone i can talk to or stare into space with until the sun comes up and then we can proceed to snuggle in the comforts of an extremely dim-lit room until the sun goes down. Someone i can be stupid with. Someone who can tolerate my nonsense and jealousy. Someone who gets jealous from time to time. Someone who can control me. Someone who can read me. Someone who I can sing to and who can sing to me and who falls asleep in my arms. Someone i can cry to and who can make me feel better. Someone who i can manja with and is equally as manja. Most importantly, someone I'll never feel lonely with. I have spent most of my adult life looking for this person until recently. I stopped looking and very nearly gave up. That's when Muhammad Ashraf found lil ol' me... hehehehe...


HOT.FM!!!!! I listen and enjoy all genres of music but my soul craves ROCK AND ROLL at least twice a day!!! Fav bands include, Malaysian-Spider... Indonesian-Dewa and Padi... English-Queen... American-Aerosmith...


It's ridiculous for me to even attempt to list all my favourite movies so these are "some". Anything with Alan Rickman or Colin Firth, The Cup (Tibetan), P.Ramlee's, Zhang Yi Mou's, Hindi Movies, Aziz M. Osman's, Shawshank Redemption, Witches of Eastwick, Forrest Gump, Sense and Sensibility, Indiana Jones Trilogies, Batman (1st and 2nd ONLY!!!), and SO MUCH MORE!!!


The Breakfast Show @ NTV7... One Tree Hill, C.S.I., Most of the sitcoms on Star World... Obviously, i don't watch TV much... hehehehe....


I love Bengali writers, Saratchandra Chattophadyay, Tagore, Satyajit Rai, Stephen King, C. Dickens, J.K. Rowling and Ethan Hawke.

My Blog

Thank you all very much!

Hey everyone...   Would just like to thank you all for all the wonderful messages of luck and good fortune you all sent to myself and hot.fm. It means a lot to us all that we have your support. W...
Posted by [email protected] on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:33:00 PST