Computers, electronics, saudering
Someone who is in the field of study that I am looking to get into. Someone to make business networks with.
Reboot, Aqua Teen Hungar Force, Ahh Real Monsters, Mummies Alive, BeastWars, Angry Beavers, Pretty much all Cartoons from the 90's. They make me feel youthful, and they inspire me to keep things simple. I hope to personally own them all one day. Kind of like a personal Media archive protected from time. Its so sad that our generation was raised on the tv, then we grow up and the programming disappears, you know. I thinks its a part of us or at least me. Ehh I dont know, time will tell. I want to put off being a victim to time.
Anything Sci-Fi. I confess, I listen to lots of audiobooks neatly recorded onto mini-mp3 cds.