Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine profile picture

Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine

I am here for Friends

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorWhen you cease to strive to know, then you will know, without understanding.

My Interests

Its in the aboot me section, wait I will come up with some more crap.... Flakey pastry houses you can eat, metal, film, and all that other stuff, over thereMore room, damn.... I need some pop tarts to stop the bleeding....I wish I could spell..

I'd like to meet:

Beaker Is Rick Banana Sharpener Copy Machine Squirrely Stew All this week, on Town Talk INSIDE OUTSIDE, early stuff. Click the banner and visit DIVINE HERESY



Devin Townsend Band, Strapping Young Lad King's XPorcupine Tree, BlackfeildOpethDream Theater Carcass RiversideMETAL/PROGRESSIVE Abigails Ghost, The Absence, All That Remains, Amorphis, Anterior, The Arcane Order, Arch Enemy, Arcturus, Arsis, Assesino, At the Gates, Ayreon,Bass Communion, Becoming the Archetype, Beyond the Embrace, The Black Dahila Murder, Blackfeild, Bleed the Sky, Blind Sight, Bloodbath (Dan Swano), Bridge to Solace, Brujeria,Carcass, Callenish Circle, Carnal Forge, Cattle Decapitation, Charon, Children of Bodom, Chimaira, The Crown,Dan Swano, Darkane, Darkest Hour, Dark Tranquility, Daylight Dies, Death, Deadlock, December, The Defaced, Descending Winters, Detonation, The Devin Townsend Band, Dew Scented, Dimension Zero, Dimmu Borgir, Dino Cazares, Disarmonia Mundi, Dissection, Dissilusion, Dragonforce, Dragonlord, Dream Evil, Dream Theater, Down, The Duskfall,Edge of Sanity, Enforsaken, Enslaved, Explosions in the Sky, Extol,Fates Warning, Fear Factory, Fear my Thoughts, Firewind, For my Pain, Fragments of Unbecoming, Fredrick Thortendal, Front Line Assembly,Gardenian, Goat Whore, God Forbid, The Great Deceiver, G/Z/R,Hatebreed, HateSphere, The Haunted, Heaven Shall Burn, Holy Moses,Iced Earth, Indesinence, In Flames, Isis, Insomnium, Into Eternity, Iron Maiden,James Labrie, John Wesley,Katatonia, Khold, Killswitch Engage, Kings X,Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil, Lamb of God, Living Sacrifice, Luciferion, Lullacry, LiCO3,Machine Head, Maroon, Megadeth, Mercenary, Meshuggah, Misery Signals, Mnemic, Moonspell, Morbid Angel,Napalm Death, Nevermore, Nightrage, Nightwish, Nocturnal Rites, Nothingface, Novembers Doom,Oceanic, Oceansize, Old Man’s Child, Opera IX, Opeth, Overcast,Pain, Pain of Salvation, Pantera, Passenger, Poisonblack, Porcupine Tree, Primal Fear,Raison D’Etre, Rammstein, Rapture, Raunchy, Reflexion,Sacrilege, Sanctuary, Saturnus, Scar Symmetry, Scarve, Seamless, Sentenced, Sepultura, Shadows Fall, Shai Hulud, The Showdown, Siebenburgen, Sinergy, Slayer, Soilent Green, Soilwork, Spawn of Possession, Stamping Ground, Static- X, Steven Wilson, Stone, Strapping Young Lad, Stronghold, Superjoint Ritual, Susperia,Terror 2000, Testament, Throne of Chaos, To/Die/For, To – Mera, Tristania, Twin Zero, Type O Negative,Unearth, Unexpect, Un – Terpsichorean,Warmen, Watch them Die, The Wishing Tree, Witchery,Zimmers Hole,NON-METAL/NON PROGRESSIVEAC/DC, Aerosmith, Angelo Badalamenti, Antonio Carlos, Barry Adamson, Billy Idol, Black Sabbath, The Cars, The Cure, David Bowie, For Love Not Lisa, Gary Newman, Genesis, Howard Jones, Helmet, Huey Lewis(how could you not after American Pyshco), KMFDM, Led Zeppelin, Machines of Loving Grace, Old Metallica, Michael Hedges, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult, Nick Cave, Nine Inch Nails, Ozzy, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, Queen, Rage Against the Machine, Rollins Band, Simple Minds, Smashing Pumpkins, STP, Tears for Fears, Tool, Vangelis, Van Halen, Violent Femmes, White Zombie


David lynch movies: Eraser Head, Dune, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Fire Walk with Me, Lost Highway, Mulholland Dr., Inland Empire. David Cronenberg: History of Violence, Dead Ringers , Spider, Naked Lunch, The Fly, Viedodrome , The Dead Zone, Crash, Scanners. Jean-Pierre Jeunet: The City of Lost Children, Amelie , Delicatessen, A Very Long Engagement. Edgar Wright: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz Hal Ashby: Harold and Maude , The Last DetailLuc Besson: La Femme Nakita, Leon, The Fifth Element, Unleashed(Danny the Dog), The Transporter District B13. Terry Gilliam: Brazil , Time Bandits, Munchausen, The Fisher King, Twelve Monkeys, Fear and Loathing. Takashi Shimizu: Marebito, Ju-on, Rinne. Chan-wook Park: Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance. Byung-chun Min: Natural city, Phantom. Kiyoshi Kurosawa: Doppelganger, Eyes of the Spider, Serpent's path, Pulse, Bright Future,Loft, Retribution. Shinji Aoyama: Eureka, Lakeside Murder Case. SONNY F-ing CHIBA, Cut and Slash Classics:Lady Snowblood, Shogun Assassin, Lone Wolf and Cub movies, Shogun's Samurai, Swords of Vengeance, Shogun's Ninja, Shogun's Shadow, The Street Fighter Movies,Trail of Blood, Shaolin Master Killer(or if you like, the 36 Chambers of Shaolin), Old John Woo: A Better Tommorow I&II, The Killer, Hard Boiled, Once A Theif. Ridley Scott: Alien, Blade Runner , Kingdom of Heaven, Legend, Hannibal, Gladiator, BHD. Tony Scott: Domino, Man on Fire, True Romance. Michael Mann: Miami Vice, Heat, Collateral, The Insider, the Last of the Mohicans. Christopher Nolan: Momento, Insomnia, Batman Begins. John Carpenter: Escape from New York, The Thing , Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from LA, They Live, The Fog. Stanley Kubrik: Clockwork Orange, 2001, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut, Lolita, Spartacus, . Wes Anderson: Royal Tennenbaums, TLAwSZ, Rushmore, Bottle Rocket. David Fincher: Alien 3, Seven, Fight Club, The Game. Danny Boyle: Trainspotting, 28 Days Later. Guy Ritchie: Lock Stock, Snatch, Revolver. Tarantino: Kill Bill 1&2, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Reservior Dogs. R Rodriguez: Sin City, Mexico Triolgy, Dusk till Dawn. The Coen Brothers: Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, The Ladykillers, No Country for Old Men. P.T. ANderson: Punch Drunk Love, Magnolia, Hard Eight. Richard Avary: Killing Zoe, Driver, Silent Hill Richard Linklater: A Scanner Darkly, Waking Life Peter Jackson: Lord of the Rings, Kong, Heavenly Creatures, The Frighteners, Bad Taste. Sergio Leone: Fistfull, A Few $'s More, The GB&U. Cameron: The Terminator, Aliens, T2, The Abyss. Peter Weir: Witness, The Mosquito Coast, Truman Show, Master and Commander. Bruce F@#king Campbell: Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 1&2, Bubba Hotep, Brandon Lee: The Crow, Rapid Fire. Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon, Fist of Fury(Great), Return of the dragon(Harry Chuck Norris), Game of Death, The Chinese Connection. Full Contact, City on Fire, Old Kung Fu Movies, Jet Li: Hero, Unleashed , China 1-3, Fist of Legend, The Legend 1&2, The One, Fearless. Iron Monkey, House of Flying Daggers, Ong Bok 1&2, Kung F**king Pow!, Kung Fu Hustle, Cromartie Highschool the movie, They Call me Bruce, All the Star Wars movies, 1984, Gattaca, Lord of War, Indiana Jones 123, Stargate, Preadator 1&2, Alien 1-4, X-Men123, American Psycho, American History X, Ravenous, Great 80's Action Movies, UHF, Clint Eastwood: Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, Unforgiven,(all his old and new stuff too). Old Harrison Ford: The Fugitive, Frantic, Force 10, Presumed Innocent, Liam Nesson, Christopher Walken is Awesome!, Old Arnold, Paul Verhoven: Robocop, Flesh and Blood, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Basic Instinct. Matrix, V for Vendetta, Tim Burton, Martin Scorsese(pre Dicaprio), Speilberg: Jaws, Minority, AI, Ryan. Jean Reno, The Boondock Saints, Dark City, Darkman, Blade, Run Lola Run, Silence of the Lambs, Interview with the Vampire, The Lost Boys, Cube, Silent Hill, Hellraiser, May, Willow, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Ladyhawke, Donnie Darko, Event Horizon, Resident Evil I and II, Underworld, Jacobs Ladder, the Princess Bride, Spinal Tap, Monty Python: Grail, Brian, Life. The three amigos, The Blues Brothers, Mel Brooks, Death to Smoochy, Kindergarten Cop, American Beauty,Anime: Jin Roh the Wolf Brigade, Patlabor 1&2, Ghost in the Shell 1&2, Grave of the Fireflies, Howl's Moving Castle, Porco Rosso, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Lupin the Castle of Cagliostro, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Akira(original dubbed), Ninja Scroll, Armitage III, Vampire Hunter D the new one, Steam Boy, Apple seed


TWIN PEAKSI don't have cable so now I watch the stuff I have on dvd(there wasn't anything that good on now anyway), Regular TV: Twin Peaks, Kung Fu, Deadwood, Seinfeld, MXC, The kids in the hall, Brisco County Jr., Northern Exposure, Rockos's Modern Life, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Mission Hill, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Chappelle's Show, Mr. Bean, Discovery and the History Channel, V, Adult Swim, Venture Brothers, ATHF, Monty Python, MST3KAnime: Dragonball Z, DragonBall, DBGT, Good Gundam, Cowboy Beebop, Trigun, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Lupin, Outlaw Star,


All the Dune Books(Mr. Herbert and Son), Phillip K. Dick(lots), Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Clockwork Orange, 1984, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Rum Diary, Piers Anthony: On A pale Horse, Being a Green Mother, Weilding a Red Sword, Bearing An Hourglass. Kevin J. Anderson, Frank Miller, Escape from New york, The Running Man, Chuck Palahniuk, Lords of Chaos, Bruce Campbell if Chins Could Kill, Henry Rollins, American Psycho, George Lucas books(insiteful creative process, ect), Lynch: Cating the Big Fish, Giger, Lots a photo and art books, I stay about as far fom the bible as I can,Graphic Novels: The Crow, Frank Miller: Sin City, Ronin, Batman the Dark Knight Returns/Strikes Again/Year One, Wolverine TPB, Hard Boiled. Alan Moore: Watchmen, V For Vendetta, The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman, Swamp Thing. Y the Last Man, Hellboy, Superman Red Son, Terminator, Akira, Dragonball, Dragonball Z,


David LynchTerry GilliamDevin Townsend Steven Wilson Dale Cooper, Ridley Scott, Toni Härkönen , Vesa Ranta, Niklas Sundin, Brandon Lee, Steve Oedekerk(Fucking Genius!), Grimace's 11 inch Taint, H.R. Giger, Michael Ironside, Jimmy Stewart and his prostitutes!

My Blog

No more Veggie Burgers, I refuse to cook them!

I will no longer "grill" veggie burgers for they don't belong on the grill. Only meat and grilling stuff is allowed. Suck my ass! Curse you vegetarians! Eat some yummy bacon and sit on it!I am ord...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:50:00 PST

Harry Potter would have been put to death....Serious for once, read this.

Yeah, I got the film "Jesus Camp" from Netflicks, and as I though It made me hate Christians even more than before. This may be a bit all over the place, but you can get the gist of it.The whole film...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:35:00 PST

More Powerful than you could ever possibly imagine.

I'll give you gnomes somthing to cry about! No more grog! And no more sex with the "holy tree", Yes I know all about it... You don't think I pass that tree everyday? Its oozing with gnome sauce and tr...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:01:00 PST


Who has time for Suzanne Sommers and her damn thigh machine?  I don't, stop thwaping Mrs. Summers, Its attracting the worng kind of Bears.  We want Pooh bears, They taste better!
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:19:00 PST

Oh boy, this ones important and funny(and completley retarded!)

  I regularly go on Imdb to research films in hopes of becoming more enlightened about the world of cinema, but today I found a Complete idiot.  This is a post he had about John Wo...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:20:00 PST


His Lordship Sonny Chiba!
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 05:32:00 PST

Karate Bull Fighter, Karate Bear Fighter, Karate for life

Yeah awesomely bad old Japanese films strarring Sonny Chiba, awesome!  Karate Bull Fighter, Bear  Fighter, and Karate For Life!  I have to get these, anyone else for old Karate Japa...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 04:38:00 PST

Yep, films friggin done, ask no more

I stole this to repost from my buddie John Helms, He and I recently finally finished the short film we started in our six-week filmmaking class in june..  Ask no more unless ye be wanting to lose...
Posted by Kwai Chang (I'm Shaolin Bitch!) Caine on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 03:40:00 PST