so what is a mags? mags: a term private school kids around sydney use for getting totally pissed.
"you going friday night? we're gonna get mags at johnno's."
drunk pissed intoxicated off your face blind --urban name's magin, AKA mags, and a select few know me by mooogin.. :) i have an odd middle name, mimosas seem to have been my drink for awhile now, however lately i've been on a quest for the best bloody mary. i have a thing for my cowboy boots (i own like 9 pairs), i love camping, and drunk dancing, i like to "rock out" on my guitar..or at least try, being dorky is the key to my heart, snowboarding my problems away works for me, if you hate cats you probably shouldn't talk to me.. or come over haha. in fact, owning a cat farm is a personal goal of mine ;), sometimes i try to be cool and write songs on garage band, i love baking birthday cakes, watch out if you're playin texas hold em with me..ill take all your money or get you wasted lol, so i have this weird fascination with vampire romance novels lol, and zombies, whatever im a wierdo, thats just me. sometimes, when i get lonely i write my sorrows away in secret journal. i hate not being able to express the emotions i feel, and it drives me crazy when people are afraid to be real and express themselves. 2 words that put a smile on my face: GUITAR HERO!!, mary jane,boogey boardin, my cats, my friends, my family, the shack, chillen out. super man. tequila shots. BBQs pretty much rock, i think its safe to say i got some skills, classic rock has a tendency to mend my heart when it breaks, i love cilantro, i have a mini hawaiian jungle goin on outside of my shack although lately i have had a fascination with flowering cactuses..or is it cacti? i really wanna learn how to ride the bull, someone please find a bar so we could make this possible!!! concerts are the shit, i <3 strawberry mint hookah bubbles!!, i practice yoga to perfect my keg stands, if i dont work out i become a crazy totally addicted to it, I used to dog sit and still enjoy dog sitting so if you need my help with that, hit up my inbox. i miss the beach, the river and the mountains way too much, beards drive me crazy, there is just something about the scruff.... mmm mountain men :) and sometimes, just sometimes you can catch me on melodramtic (all you sonora people know what im talking about) . have any Q's, ask and you will find out!
My pirate name is:
Mad Mary Flint
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
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Dramatic Squirrel
David After Dentist - REMIX