The city of Rome, the southwest desert, the ocean, Montauk, geology, theatre, acting, music, arts, honesty til it hurts, the universe...astrology
I would like to meet my Mom all over again... if I only could.
Beatles, Prince, Lou Reed, Sinead O'Conner, Joni Mitchell, Miles Davis, Brian Eno, Dead Can Dance, John Lennon, Led Zepplin, The British Invasion, Laura Nyro, U2, The Cure...
Kubrick, Mallick, anything & everything by Jim Sheriden, Mike Leigh, Fellini, Pasolini, De Sica, Bertalucci, Ridley Scott, Peter Weir, Martin Scorcese, Billy Wilder, Spike Lee, Christopher Guest, Michael Moore...
Don't watch much, but when I do...PBS, Late Nite with David Letterman... I do watch TV series on DVD's. The Office, Extras, Honeymooners, The Adams family, Six Feet Under, Arrested Developement, Curb Your Enthusiasm...
Shakespeare, Bill Bryson, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Sommerset Maugham, Tennesse Williams, Strinberg, Ibsen, David Rabe, Anthony Burgess...
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandi, Bonnie Greer, my Mom