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Louise is my best friend, love this girl so much, we're so alike its scary, we share a passion for food and snakebite, and without fail everytime we're out we make proper twats out of ourselves and fall over at least once. We spend too much time together because we're always saying and thinking the same things.
This here is another one of my spiffing mates, i live with her, work with her and am pretty much never without her, apart from when she goes on dates with people, im not fond of this, im so kind as to bring her presents back as well after a night out in newquay, what more could you ask for ey?? legend do it do it!!
Amey and Hayley are pretty darn cool, i spend a lot of time with these girls, and could never get bored of them, amey is so hyperactive theres never a dull moment and hayley is just the same but lets her hyperness out through dancing.
Ello susan, known this girl for time mate, we made videos when we were youguns of us breaking into peoples houses, susan has a kingsize bed and the biggest bedroom i have ever seen in my life honestly she's fuckin gangsta mate.
This here is Ashley, a legend midget kid from newquay tretherras, he hangs out at lidls every friday and has a sweet rave with sam jones. He's also in love with a woman called miss williams, he has a shrine to her in his bedroom like helga of hey arnold, bless him.
Ive known Connor for most of mylife, 15years to be exact and we've always been good friends, with so many funny memories, although i dont see him much,he's always there to expecta sarcastic comment or an uninteresting fact.
Me mother and nat, when their in a housetogether dont expect to be gettin any sleep, all i can say really is legends.
Perfect couple.
Bili's my bitch, i love this kid so much, i dont see how anyone in the world could dislike him, whenever he'saround everyones happy coz he's just so crazy, we've fallen out once and that was horrible not speaking to him, never going to happen again. x x x
This kid makes st columb seem like the ghetto because he's so gangster, he was part of the amey si kaya and til crew last summer, he's a hood rat and you should wear bullet proof vests when your near him, considering he does live at trelawney.
Havent known louis for long but alon g with his cousin he's a legend, he share's the love for pigeons and the sight of jens pole dancing and lager black, andhe's way cool because he has his own book, yep.
Ahhh bundy the fellow ethnic, probably the one person who has never said anything nice to me in there lives, but thats vice versa, love being in same club as this kid as we like to go on the odd ripping session. Bundy is one of the cleverist and wisest people i know as well, basically this boy knows his shit.
Si, what a ledge, or mr ego as he is more known as. Well he's part of the silly sunday and embezzlement crew he loves it. Proper waster and dribbles when he laughs too hard hahah!!
Anna, what a ledge, known this girl for many gangster time mate, she's hardcore to the bone, obviously because she spent a majority of her life in st compton and learnt from the best, this girl witnessed the poo in the woods with me, i think this made us emotionally and mentally connected, she's my fellow bouncer bill.
I Love This Kid
Ive never knowna daughter to be so much like her mum, karina and nicole, love these to laydees,karina for when she's drunk because she makes me wet myself with laughter, nicole because she's such a little madam i love it.
Joe is my surrogate barrcuda boyfriend and the father to my child which no one knows about, but now you do, ive known joe for years but only been friend swith the loser for about 2, he's such a cool down to earth guy, and shares the joy of ripping bingo winged tom down. Rock on.
I miss this girl i never see her anymore, she's one hell of a hottie and loves the men when she's drunk, spent many days with her in college stalking, oh the joy.
Becky and Dan, cool kids.
The creator of dunlop nig, this girl, total legend, love her to pieces, and she'll be gonesoon, argh, her face pullage that only a few people have seen neverfails to crack me up, fantastic friend x x
Some more amazing people like the people i know now.
I dont have a main type of music i like, i m pretty open when it comes to music, so yeh if i like a song i like it if not then i dont.
the bronx tale, drop dead fred, leon, sleepers, i have loads
friends, two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, funny shit
martina cole, dave pelzer
susans mum of course, she's the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!