Jerome profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People I Want to Meet:
1. The Dalai Lama
2. The Pope
3. The President of the United States
4. Kurt Cobain
5. Rasputin
6. Nostradamus
7. Nicolas Faust


Punk, Alternative, Heavy, Acoustic, Pop... just about anything...


Gone With the Wind, Love Story, Spartacus, The Matrix Trilogy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, When Trumpets Fade, Saving Private Ryan, Casablanca, West Side Story, Sound of Music, The King and I, Never Been Kissed, The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, The Butterfly Effect, City of Angels, A Walk to Remember, Runaway Jury, The Client, The Sum of All Fears, The Hunt for Red October, Message in a Bottle, Swept by the Sea, Enemy at the Gates


CSI, Fear Factor, Smallville, Fastlane, Starstruck, Futurama, The Simpsons, Invader Zim


The Brothers Karamazov
The Client
The Pelican Brief
The Firm
The Runaway Jury
Rainbow Six
To Kill a Mockingbird
Gone With The Wind
The Sum of All Fears
The Book of Light
A Chicken Soup for the Soul series
Veronika Decides to Die
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
The Cradle Will Fall
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Prince
Moby Dick
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Oliver Twist
The Boyhood of David Copperfield
Song for Sixpence
The Gulag Archipelago
Horatio Alger, Farewell: The End of the American Dream
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Riding the East Wind
The Himmler Equation
The Lady of the Labyrinth
All Around the Town
Sins of the Father
Wheel of Fortune
Just about any book out there... I'm gonna produce a complete list soon... If I can remember the hundred of books I've read...Ãœ