(in no particular order.. ) music, art, theology, my future wife, mixed martial arts, friends, the past, the now, the future, Jesus, freaks, punks, beatniks, sinners, friends, jackalopes, the Bible, pharisees, fishing, King David, murderers, the grace of God, family, martyrs, depressed people, saints, used car salesmen, candles, camping, incense, coca cola, tacos, phonies, junkies, idoloters, Soteriology, the elect, windchimes, aliens, hunting, movies, postmodernism, reason (or the lack thereof), and some other stuff
the boy i was 5 years ago to tell him that its gonna be allright. its gonna be rough and painful but yer gonna get through it in one piece
I own Futurama seasons 1, 3, and 4
Blue like Jazz, They're gentiles for Christ's sake, The Chronicles of Narnia (made me feel like i was 12 years old again), The Bible, The Last Disciple, Escape from Reason, I kissed Dating Goodbye, code of the samurai, on the road, crime and punishment, a coney island of the mind, howl and other selected poems,first third, dharma bums, big sur, lord of the rings trilogy, a christian manifesto, a pilgrims progress, Where The Wilds Things Are
Jesus Christ- Jesus died on the cross to be the final sacrifice needed, he shed his blood so that no more would ever have to be shed to atone for our sins. thats why i love him, because he first loved us