...something to live for † profile picture

...something to live for †

Stranded in a column of the decisions i've made

About Me

im a pretentious bastard. and i smell bad

My Interests

(in no particular order.. ) music, art, theology, my future wife, mixed martial arts, friends, the past, the now, the future, Jesus, freaks, punks, beatniks, sinners, friends, jackalopes, the Bible, pharisees, fishing, King David, murderers, the grace of God, family, martyrs, depressed people, saints, used car salesmen, candles, camping, incense, coca cola, tacos, phonies, junkies, idoloters, Soteriology, the elect, windchimes, aliens, hunting, movies, postmodernism, reason (or the lack thereof), and some other stuff

I'd like to meet:

the boy i was 5 years ago to tell him that its gonna be allright. its gonna be rough and painful but yer gonna get through it in one piece


I own Futurama seasons 1, 3, and 4


Blue like Jazz, They're gentiles for Christ's sake, The Chronicles of Narnia (made me feel like i was 12 years old again), The Bible, The Last Disciple, Escape from Reason, I kissed Dating Goodbye, code of the samurai, on the road, crime and punishment, a coney island of the mind, howl and other selected poems,first third, dharma bums, big sur, lord of the rings trilogy, a christian manifesto, a pilgrims progress, Where The Wilds Things Are


Jesus Christ- Jesus died on the cross to be the final sacrifice needed, he shed his blood so that no more would ever have to be shed to atone for our sins. thats why i love him, because he first loved us

My Blog

my jumbled thoughts

its been a while since i wrote an intelligible blog. i can attribute all of that to a crazy life of non stop running, rocking, and rolling. I have no ideas what the future holds. it makes me want...
Posted by ...something to live for on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:22:00 PST

i need a vacation

i really need to figure out what i am gonna do. I never have any alone time anymore. i feel stretched thin. i need time away, perhaps a weekend alone would be good. i miss aaron like all hell. i don't...
Posted by ...something to live for on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:35:00 PST

take it from me...

this pounding head knows all too well that nervous laughter fitsnothing as well as the truthi wish the answers were close to my heart. i knowmy life is great, my heart is deep, yet my thoughts appear ...
Posted by ...something to live for on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 01:46:00 PST

drinks anyone?

still the silence of my headthis still is the reasonIm not dead but stirring slowlymoving quietly and calmi feel sick in my stomachall over my body acheswant to get rid of the painthis nauseated feeli...
Posted by ...something to live for on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:36:00 PST

been thinking

I have been thinking about the Apostles creed. In terms of whats there, i completely agree with the doctrine issued there. i do, however, find that it lacks certain personality. it tells very little a...
Posted by ...something to live for on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:48:00 PST

the people we love the most

its ok i told her, asked for a hug and wishedit meant what i meant it to. acceptance and lovebut mostly it was just a hugsometimes we need hugsi need them more than the average person, unfortunately i...
Posted by ...something to live for on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 01:29:00 PST

traveller's blessing

May you go swiftly to your fateenraptured in hope and the promises kept strong longing to find a futureamidst the confusion of mindless interstatesnever to set foot here againin the same mindset ...
Posted by ...something to live for on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 01:44:00 PST

Tonight we sipped existence 'till the moon was red

To travel shores and seasides only to not step onto the sandsitting close on the railing while the moon disapeared itfloated behind a clouded beachthe cold wind blew through my hairwe sat closer than ...
Posted by ...something to live for on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 01:40:00 PST

tweak for a nite

nothing to say in particular these days- -if only something new had popped into viewthen i could tell you all about the happenings of lifemore random encounters with friends i don't know anymorewishin...
Posted by ...something to live for on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:22:00 PST

a wise man once said...

"These are the best daysof a lifetimeand all my friends are hereand I feel right at home" - - Aaron Timonen
Posted by ...something to live for on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 05:11:00 PST