Dancing, Acting, Singing, Sex (lol), Clubbing, Music, Alcohol, Friends, Money!!!
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My beloved Aerial from my favortie program as a little girl 'The little mermaid
Christina Aguilera (i love her)
and of course the legandary Britney Spears (i'm waiting 4 ur come back babe!)
Electro, dirty Funky House, i like a bit of Drum 'n' Base, R'n'B, Garage- ANYTHING that i can get my groove on to
THE NOTEBOOK (by far is my most favorite film in the entire world) I love my chick flicks like Mean Girls, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Coyote Ugly, Honey, Bring It On, Save The Last Dance, The Bodyguard, Pretty Woman etc. Anything that gets me thinking or moves me emotionally o and human traffic is another of my favorites, absolute classic.
LOTS OF PORN!!! Desperate Housewives, Friends, T4.
Biographies mostly. But i love to read gripping real life stories, ones that shock and make u appreciate how lucky u are.
my mum (who gives me all the inspiration in the world), Rachel mcAdams, christina and my wonderful self :)of course.