Reading, Writing(short stories, also working on a screenplay and a novel that I hope to finish). I am an admitted geek who enjoys video games, building computers, comic books, and movies.I'm an avid Chess player.I'm also beginning to develop an interest in SCUBA Diving.I'm considering Film School, because I really would like to direct film. Cannot act because I get stage fright. :-)I also enjoy classical, old time radio programs like THE SHADOW, JOHNNY DOLLAR, SUSPENSE, and THE TWILIGHT ZONE.Also, I collect detailed action figures. Stamps and Art are still too expensive....
Friendly people, ladies particularly. who are intelligent, enjoyable to spend time with.5'10" or soBlack HairBrown Eyes(light brown in the summer)Medium Build(working out to get in better shape)I generally dress very casuallyNo discerning markings or body art
Eclectic. When I'm. . .Reading/Studying : Symphonic/Classical Driving/Riding : Country/Western or Jazz(seriously) Meditating/Praying : Asian InstrumentalI also, strangely enough, like Doo-Wop era 50's music. Go figure. I sometimes think what it would have been like in the era of hoola-hoops, big block Chevys, and ponytails.However, do not dismiss big band era 40's tunes. Tommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller. . .etc. ...
The Entire Star Wars Saga(yes, I liked the prequels), pretty much anything STAR WARS. Anything with Humphrey Bogart(he was the coolest guy). All the Hitchcockian films. Anything with Clint Eastwood(another cool guy). The Magnificent Seven(the original), The Game, SE7EN, Panic Room, Gladiator, L.A. Confidential, American Beauty, The Lion King, Saving Private Ryan, Tombstone, National Treasure, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Manchurian Candidate(original and the remake), Ocean's Eleven(not Twelve), Collateral, The Last Samurai, Minority Report, HEAT, Thunderheart, JFK, The Bodyguard, Top Gun, Risky Business, The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, any James Cagney film, any film with Jimmy Stewart, Reservoir Dogs, anything with Selma Hayek, anything with Vin Diesel(yet another cool guy), The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. . .and the list goes on.Basically, any good movie is my favorite....
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24, American Dad, The Family Guy, The Simpsons, History Channel, Discovery Channel, A&E. Law & Order(all variations), CSI(all variations), Matlock(stop laughing!!!), Walker : Texas Ranger, COPS(shrug), Jeopardy.Keep in mind, that this is when I have time to watch. With school and work, I sometimes don't get to watch television for days on end.But. . .I'm still a fun guy, ladies. :-) ...
God. His Son Jesus Christ.My Father, for molding me into the man I am and for teaching me to ALWAYS treat a woman like a lady. My Mother, for instilling within me a sensitivity toward others.(FICTIONAL) Batman(not Robin), Spider Man, The X-Men, Ghost Rider, Spawn, any Star Wars Characters(canon and EU).