Rinat רינת profile picture

Rinat רינת

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About Me

Shalom everyone: I'm from the music/acting area. A mother to a lovely girl. I like books, movies sport etc. I'm studying kabbalah from Bnei-Baruch site.In the photo :Tomas - my Swedish friend from the virtual Swedish Bnei-Baruch group. Video song:Unity of souls and beyond/from Kabbalah Congress 2008 This video is from the Kabbalah congress at North America:Kabbalah Revealed - Basic Overview
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My Interests

Books, Movies, Music, Sport, Kabbalah from: www.kab.co.il (in hebrew) www.kabbalah.info (in several languages)

I'd like to meet:



everything that conected with Pop music,Melody Rock, I also like Jazz, Blues and soul music


I prefer series




lots + Books of Rav michael Laitman , The Rabash = Rav Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag , and his father: Baal Hasulam = Rav Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag


Avraham, Moshe, Rabi Akiva, Rabi Shimon Bar-Yochay, Ha-Ari, Baal Hasulam, The Rabash and more kabalists , one of them: Rav Laitman