About Me
It's so hard to fit a person's whole entire personality onto one place but it's worth a shot. i'm 18 yrs old n from middlesex nj. I am definately a hopeless romantic. i am more about making the guy happy than making me happy. i am a very spontanious person... u tell me something to do, i'll most likely do it. i really really really hate cocky people.. they annoy the crap out of me, considering i am far from cocky. i hate materialistic people.... it's not about what the person can physically give u.... or what you can physically provide for yourself... but it's about what you can emotionally and mentally provide for yourself. I hate being single. it can have it's fun points but then most of the time it just sucks. i love skating n blading... it rocks. i try to write poetry but sometimes i suck n sometimes i don't. i hate slutty girls who think they are hot shit.... it annoys the hell outa me..... i just wanna smack them in the face. i also hate guys who judge guys by how many girls they've been with. " o he's a better man cuz he's been with more girls" it's so gay. i just wanna meet a guy ... then him become my boyfriend as well as my best friend. i can be very sarcastic n i can come off like a bitch but i'm really not. i love talking on the phone(especially when it's a boyfriend) and just talking for hours and neither of us ever want to hang up. i have no set style. one day i can be completely sk8r... one day i can be ghetto... it just changes day by day and thatz what makes me unique. my birthday in january 26, 1986. lets see what else about me. i am also a very hyper active person, it takes a lot to keep up with me. i am all full of suprises, and therefor everyday is interesting. lol. i hate liars... i really do. they are my pet peeve. I DON'T CARE ABOUT LOOKS!!! THEY MEAN NOTHING!!It used to mean to something to me at one point but not now.