lisa profile picture


About Me

i'm a nerdy homebody who likes to read comics, collect 50/50 t-shirts, take photographs and listen to scottish pop. the occassional good band will bring me out of the house. i have a fondness for striped t-shirts (bobby brady style). i like rain, thunder, gerber daisies, peanut butter milkshakes and the smell of old books (i'm not referring to an attic-y smell.) afflicted with an obsession to anti-bacterial products, i build up my immune system at dive bars and restaurants. i love most asian horror films, especially korean ones. i hate cats, although i have a strong attachment to the artwork of Louis Wain. i am a fan of supershort nails and don't feel well unless mine are cut to the quick. i like paper catalogs, klinger's radio show on kdvs, sta-prest pants, polyester polo shirts, cookbooks, holding hands, heavy eyelids, newsprint paper, and the way things look that have been typed on a typewriter. i hope to one day open a grilled cheese sandwich cafe. i hate celebrity gossip, reality shows, maraschino cherries, and anything "almond" flavored (although, i love real almonds.) in addition, i hate cathy comics, unnecessary cell phone use and sleater-kinney...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i believe everyone i know has been brought into my life for a reason. i would like to meet simple people, anyone who refuses to grow up,anyone who thinks with their heart, someone to build forts and play pacman with, anyone who loves to read and still believes in romance, anyone who enjoys hanging out talking about music, books and good food, people who still believe in writing letters by hand and decorating the envelopes,people who appreciate art and frequent thrift stores and farmer's markets, someone who likes to watch foreign films in old theaters with stadium seating and balconies, people who love the smell of burning leaves in the fall, freshly brewed coffee and cookies baking...

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My Blog

it's the end of 2006 as we know it and i feel fine.

to bring in the new year on a positive note, i have compiled a list of things to do to keep me organized. however, the list is folded up in my bag and that is where it will most likely remain. how's t...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 18:43:00 GMT