Myspace Layouts at / Freedom isn't free!
Myspace Layouts at / Freedom isn't free!
I'm interested in ousting all of the out-dated, unpatriotic, in-it-for-themselves politicians who pass laws only to line their wallets - screw the common working man - and to let the nation know that WE have the power to do this. To run for congress you need only be 25 years old and a 7-year resident of the state you're running from. For the Senate it's 30 and 9. There are no other requirements.We have a huge network that allows us to make ourselves known, without the need for campaign money. And we have the opportunity to stand up and make our voices heard, to tell these people that we will no longer settle for just one name on the ballot, or for men and women whose only desire is to pull in $150,000 per year while doing minimal work, just so they'll get re-elected next term. Let's cause an upheaval! Run for Congress! And if you can't do that, VOTE!
You Are Most Like John F. Kennedy
You live a fairy tale life that most people envy.
And while you may have a few dark secrets, few people know them.
What Modern US President Are You Most Like?
My only requirements are that I can understand the lyrics and that it's not cliche with lyrics about sex, money or drugs (which excludes most rap) Favorite band: Matchbox Twenty.
CSI, the original one
Everything, though mostly kids books. I find them more intelectually stimulating than most of the flash and bang "adult" books on the shelves. I love that from all of them, or at least the vast majority, there's a lesson to be learned, something you can take from it and build upon. Favorite Books: The Farthest-Away Mountain and Bridge to Terabithia.
Alan Quatermain, Dr. Jekyll, Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia, William R. Maples, Ph.D., and of course, my mom and dad.