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About Me

If I keep laughing maybe there will be no room to cry. Im in a wierd place right now ready to meet people but i have so lil patience for what they have to say.

My Interests

The art of conversation before it's lost forever!

I'd like to meet:

wierd al yancovic and sacha barron choen


hip hop: mosdef/ talib kweli/ mf doom/ kanye west/ danger mouse/ Tenacios D


Bary gordys the last dragon/ my neighbhor totoro/kill bill 1&2/ Waiting/ 40 year old virgin/ lone wolf and cub/ sonny chiba street fighter/ streetfighter returns/ kentucky fried movie/ ninja scrolls/volcano high/ equilibrium/ Rejected - Don Hertzfeldt

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Upright citizens brigade/ Adult swim/ mr show/ antique road show/ dr know/ dog wisper/ boondocks/chappel show(always


boondocks anthology/ lamb lost testement as written by biff jessus's best friend.


Shonuff the shougun of harlem/ Lone wolf & cub/ Yojimbo/ ODB/ This weeks honrable mention: wierd al

My Blog

Crank dat ironman!?!?! Foreal??

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlttMaB5Zqo I thought it was a one time aberation but i was so so so wrong. If you se any on doing this dance let me know. so the can be taken and reeducated....
Posted by Dari on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:11:00 PST

Iron man Music Video Do The IronMan

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLXeOwoyMmI I dont even know what to say, already a dance and people are already doing it badly. QUESTION? where was the harry potter? or the narnia? for ...
Posted by Dari on Sun, 04 May 2008 06:43:00 PST