Re-birth:) profile picture


WashingtonDC Welcomes Me:) Next maybe New York City:)

About Me

Myspace Layouts I am a PRODUCT FASA.GABRIELA WSU.APAW.SPOKENWORD SOCIETY. MULTICULTURAL STUDENT MENTORS.YOUTHSPEAKS.SOL.ASIAN PAC ISLANDER WOMEN AND FAMILY SAFETY CENTER.CRU.OLD NAVY.SAFEWAY.FILIPINO YOUTH ACTIVITIES.FACC. EPIC. IMPACT. SOC CLUB.She is the....hands that creates peacewith a LIST TO DOSand a FIRED FISTshe is the fist that rotates around the worldwith the words"Serve the PEople" on its knucklesshe is the voice shooting profeciesand solutionsto colonized historiesbecause it profitsshe is the visionary who seespast human soulsshe is the beingin which the spirit of truthis within herfiniding the fireher purpose called activismselfless.selfishcarefulcarefulpassionatecommitted to walkwearing gods slippersfloating on journeystowards SERVING THE PEOPLE-one-Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever Only, nothing is eternal""I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood. That the speaking profits me, beyond any other effect." AUDRE LORDE"I kant believe I killed the Mice!!"-snapping the fingers and rollin the body-GAB Girls cue :)To love yourself is to acknowledge, take care, reward, and embrace yourself first before anything else:)Being independent gives birth to confidence and more fruitful and memorable journeys.A clique is a clique. it can either pull you back from experiencing more or it can follow you wherever you go. the question is...are you missing out on something that could be waiting for you behind the doorNew friendships. is like a New Life. a new You.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | ClassifiedsYou shouldn't settle your life for someone else. self love should be a priority before anything else:)

My Interests

SelfReflektions. Alone Time. Social time. Spiritual time. Working out at the gym time. Getting on top of my shit list time 1.I have 1 dimple:) cheese 2. I love FAMILY. My sister. My mother. My Lola. The GIrls. 3. I like to be Busy 4. I like to explore new things. meet new folks 5. I will Never involve myself in Fear Factor 6. I seek to be a teacher and student at the same time. 7. I love to learn about social issues and my Filipino History 8. I want to fall and get back up makes me stronger 9. I want people to call me Kathrina sometimes..not just Kat:)"I like Soy milk""I like Stretching and doing Jumping Jacks, sit ups and arm ups!!""I like ping pong.""I like the fashion district in LA"."I like making documentaries (videotaping)"."I now LOVE LOVE LOVE to travel...or someday. one day. study abroad back in my homeland".-It's not the quantity that matters but the quality-Live each day as if it was your last-I LOVE PLAYING MY GUITAR:) I LOVE Writing poeTRY:)Chuck Taylors

I'd like to meet:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6Jesus. Ciara:)Bell Hooks. Aaliyah. T.I. Wintworth Miller.%Darlos bulosan. artists and those who are a part of the build. learn. feed and feed back the knowledge. People who are real. not fake. their own individual. Unique individuals. Confidant folks.Times too short to live someone else's life.and also.....Beautiful folks like....You:)!I'm down and open to meet new people:)It's true. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. learning to not judge a person on external presentation. its the elements also from within that defines ones beauty Suppp

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EPMD, Indie Arie, Brian McKnight, Alicia Keys, Aaliyah, Blue Scholars, Dashboard Confessionals, MBranch, Musiq Soulchild, Matchbox 20, Mary J Blige Richard Marx, 80s joints, MYMP, Fugees, Lauryn Hill /alt


The Freedom Writers. The Break-Up. The Davinci Code. Sweet November. Frida. The Prince


NOW...i'm not tooo much of a fan...dont have time. :(....but when I do have time...I love watching the food network and mtv


BIBLE, Boy Meets Girl, Captivated: To A Women's, Soul, The State of Asian America, America Is in the Heart, I Kissed Dating Goodbye,


God, My grandma, my mom, friends that have inspired me, poet buddies, my little brother Ronnie and sis Jackie:), GABNET, FASA....MY Crazee/Funnee/Loving Family:) they are the best!!GOD:) and the life that he has blessed me with

My Blog

Self check in list

Its been a week. and my mind has been on active mode. Going through some rough senioritis. planning and eagerly excited to see where the lord is going to take me once i am out of Pullman.  I feel...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST


the issues in this world has inspired me to speak and to resist. and not remain silenced. so my pen will speak lines onto the paper My inner thoughts I set forth and express it with pen and paper...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:25:00 PST

Self Check In Nov 2007

Its November and time is passing by, fading like crisped autumn leaves.Senior-itis is creeping in as grad school apps are stressing. and balancing of life is still an ongoing struggle. So much has cha...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 03:19:00 PST

RIP Auntie Maryjane Delpin

Coming home to Seattle. was difficult. My family coping and struggling with the lost of my aunt.  She just moved here from boston starting her life again in Seattle.  A model, athlete, succe...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 11:52:00 PST

I love God:)

As these summer days pass by, i question my purpose in this world.  A higher being, far beyond this universe. every second. he hears and see me. knows my emotions. my feelings. the pain. the joy....
Posted by Re-birth:) on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 06:56:00 PST

My Summer:(:)

It SOOO sucks when professors assign take home statistics exams over the wkend expecting it in class the monday before 4th of July. I wanted to go to Seattle with Noel...hang out with the homies. hope...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 11:14:00 PST

Her survival

4 cylinder room refusing to be speechless her suffering becomes her strength produces strong militant fist voice projecting releasing "isang bagsak" chant and amidst the STRUGGLES she becomes the worl...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:52:00 PST

my NEWEST piece called "KAT" lol

She is the.... hands that creates peace with a LIST TO DOS and a FIRED FIST she is the fist that rotates around the world with the words "Serve the PEople" on its knuckles she is the voice shooting p...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:45:00 PST

RHYTHM piece. written in 05

RHYTHM: Like the tones of beats of congos matching with intense words coming from the mouths of the children like water dripping down on their foreheads using the mic like the power of the paper cos...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:31:00 PST

felt like posting da old piece

unity My inner thoughts I set forth and express it with pen and paper The reformation of this world is all that matters 16 year old Filipina girl seeking for her identity in this constructed soc...
Posted by Re-birth:) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST