captain kate profile picture

captain kate


About Me

G'day The names kate *waving* about me....well i like the colour green, i have this crazy obsession with these dolls i have started collecting, sounds crazy i know but they are AWESOME, long socks are cool, they keep my legs warm in winter, im deffinantly a cat person i aspire to one day be the crazy cat lady of what ever street i live in. The kini "K" is only the best hand sign ever made up :D Music is life,I cant spell as most of u would have figured out allready.I LOVE and dearly miss all those old cartoon shows i use to watch like samurai pizza cats, the gummi bears,trap door etc etc. I love duct tape and ceilings, if you look up rite now you will relise where this obsession comed from. My dickies shirts are me! if you dont see me in a dickies shirt you know that a) i havent washed or b) well there isnt raelly a b. DICKIES rocks! Im a fan of old things like antiques, you know those crap ugly ornaments that u find at ur nans house those kinda old things. Anyway if you want to be my myspace friend add me
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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My Interests

i love to travel im very nosy but in a good way, think thats called inqusitive.....yes maybe i dont know :S Music, art, criminal/murder books/autobiography's, movies, reading books

I'd like to meet:

The sounds, the darkness mr hendrix, anyone, everyone,thats YOU!


I love music like most people, the sounds, the darkness, def leppard, black sabbath, guns'n'roses, led zep, mr hendrix is my god! anything from that era really. The all american rejects, american hi-fi, sum 41, cky, academy is, you get the idea


i like alot of movies, sixteen candles, breakfast club, pulp fiction, donnie darko, garden state, napoleone dynamite, finding nemo, land before time 1, fifth element, just like heaven, family guy movie, anything by tim burton,


family guy. Dont forget those fantastic old school cartoons, gummi bears, samurai pizz cats, aahh rel monsters


when u wake and find me gone, chain of hearts, queen kat carmel and st jude get a life, cross my heart, in between, clockwork orange,how to kill a mocking bird, raw, autobiographies ( thats not how u spell it is it?) harry potter


my hero is my hideous doll, my nan, captain planet...

My Blog

technologically advanced????

Here is my question. If we live in such a "technologically advanced" world then why cant i contact who i want when i want?For three hours i have been trying to contact 2 different people and i cant se...
Posted by captain kate on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 02:42:00 PST

square bread round meat??

What is the go!I went to make a nice devon and tomato sauce sandwich today i cut it in half i sat down to enjoy the devon saucey goodness of the sandwich only to be let down with the last few bites&nb...
Posted by captain kate on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:48:00 PST

hello from your captain!

Ahoy hoy my friends this is your captain speaking Im feeling the need to procrastinate heheheh i have a TONE yes 1 hole tone of washing to do lol and i just dont wanna do it, i dont mind putting sorti...
Posted by captain kate on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:04:00 PST

effing annoyed

So im fair over everything at the moment aye, Who wants to go on mini holiday or even a road trip for a day some where. Come on you all know you want to. Anyway i have had my little vent for toda...
Posted by captain kate on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:47:00 PST

captain kate to the rescue dan da da daaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Captain kate tto the rescue! Fear not my fellow myspaceings for i am here to save you all from the clutches of bordem. I will entertain you for ever (well nto for ever but for at least another mi...
Posted by captain kate on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:38:00 PST

wasting time.....

So im sitting on the computer with not much to do thinking i mite write a blog casue i only have a few on here adn no of which are intersting so if i write alot of none interesting ones it will make u...
Posted by captain kate on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:41:00 PST

Car Dancing: A Dying Art?

I am outraged by the lack of car dancing in this world, people look at you as if you are diseased and deserve to be locked up. Car dancing is awesome think of the pro's of it. Less move...
Posted by captain kate on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 02:39:00 PST

1 week. 2 days since ive been out

So its been 1 week adn 2 days since i have been moved out of home and i LOVE it i am currently sittin at home not doing much i was keen to do sum washing and some of my assignments but i just couldnt ...
Posted by captain kate on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 05:06:00 PST


So excited rite now i am moving out WOOHOO! I am moving out with 2 awesomely fantastic ppl and cant wait, I bought a fridge today gee wasnt that a bit of money. I wish so much for my place to be ...
Posted by captain kate on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 03:02:00 PST

My end of life

If i fall terribly ill and have to receive like a bady part from someone else to live dont do it give it to someone else who is waiting on it, if i am to turn into a veggie  dont keep my alive th...
Posted by captain kate on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST