documenting life with photography, art, music, dance, drums
words that flow & rhyme send me to a profound state of mind....i love hip-hop and poetry.
i stay in shape cuz i'm always running late. feet to concrete, can't ever be on time, 'cept when i write rhymes, i don't miss a beat.....(B & me)
I'd like to meet:
SURVIVORS ...changers, thinkers, healers.
(teachers and school children in Nairobi with members from the Little Flower Foundation)
*Nina SimOne*, *SADE*, *Billie HOliday*, *Etta James*, *EstherO*, *Ottis Redding*, *Erykah Badu*, *James BrOwn*, *LOu DOnaldson*, *DOnny Hathaway*, *ROberta Flack*, *JamarOquai*, *Alias*, *Sage Francis*, *Stevie WOnder*, *Missy ElliOt*, *FiOna Apple*, *DOseOne*, *SOnic Sum*, *Aimme Mann*, *CAKE*, *MOby*, *Chemical BrOs.*,*The Fugees*, *Lauren HIll (earlier recordings), *Outkast*, *Freestyle FellOwship*, *Digable Planets*, *DOseOne*, *Arrested DevelOpment*, *Speech*, *COppershOt*, *KRS-One*, *The Pharcyde*, *COmmOn*, *De La SOl*, *The ROOts*, *AtmOsphere*, *Susana Baca*, *Manu ChaO*, *India Irie*, *Issa BagayOgO*, *BOb Marley*, *Damien Marley*, *Zap Mama*, *Universal Language*, *Orishas*, *Buena Vista SOcial Club*, *FranciscO Aguabella*, *Fela Kuti*, *Theivery COrpOration*, *Pink FlOyd*, *Beatles*, *Ween*, *RadiOhead*, *Flaming Lips*, *Aphex Twin*, *TOm Waits*, *Sneaker Pimps*, *EstherO*(1st album), *POrtishead*, *ZerO 7*, *Medusa*
*ALfred Howard & The K23 Orchestra*
.....Flamenco music, Samba, Cuban, Indian, Afro-beat, various traditional African musics, Jazz, and traditional Japanese music; music from all continents...
+POetic Justice+, +Babe+, +Chicken Run+, +Akira+,+GhOst in the Shell+, +Dave Chappelle's BlOck Party+, +Idlewild+, +The Big LebOwski!!!! +The ROyal Tennebaums+, + HOuse of Flying Daggers+, +HerO+, +DOnnie DarkO+, +Baraka+, +Winged Migration+, +March of Penguins+, +Waking Life+, +CrOutching Tiger Hidden DragOn+, +Girl Fight+, +Fight Club+, +The Graduate+, +The COrpOratiOn+, +Murderball+, HOtel Rwanda, +DOgma+, +Friday+, +Time Bandits+, +The Fifth Element+, +12 MOnkeys+, +The MAtrix+, +X-Men 2+, +The Dark Crystal+, +Legend+, +The Secret Of Nihm+, +The Neverending StOry+. the following movies i love for their content: +TOugh Guise+, +What the Bleep dO We KnOw+, +Paycheck+, +MinOrity RepOrt+
don't watch the tele, except for PBS. I'll watch YouTube
~The GOlden COmpass~, ~Marley and Me~, ~Eat, Pray, LOve~, ~The Alchemist~, ~Why White Kids Like Hip Hop~, ~The Food Revolution~, ~The PrOphet~, ~FlOw My Tears the POliceman Said~, ~The AutObiOgraphy of MalcOm X~, ~Letters to a YOung POet~, ~The FOur Agreements~, ~Serpentine Highway~, ~PeOple's HistOry Of the U.S.~, ~All AbOut LOve~, ~Be Here NOw~, ~Zen and the Art Of MOtOrcycle Maintenence~, ~The TaO of POOh~, ~Siddhartha~, ~The JOurney is the Destination: the JOurnals of Dan EldOn~, ~Diane Arbus Revelations~, ~The Diaries of Anais Nin~ and indie comic books especially the ones by my brother, Gabriel Hunt, the greatest living indie comic book artist ever.
SURVIVOR Warrior Woman