this girl here photography profile picture

this girl here photography

and a picture is always just a part of the story, a glimpse

About Me

MY PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHTED; ASK FOR MY PERMISSION TO USE.....thanks a mula (check out my videos..if you want a copy email and i'll give you a DVD)
"There is something growing, something taking shape deep within us, preparing to be born. It is the statement that no living creature should be forced to endure such tortured conditions. It is the declaration that all living creatures deserve basic respect. It is the proclamation of the interdependence of all life," John Robbins~ The Food Revolution

My Interests

documenting life with photography, art, music, dance, drums

words that flow & rhyme send me to a profound state of mind....i love hip-hop and poetry.

i stay in shape cuz i'm always running late. feet to concrete, can't ever be on time, 'cept when i write rhymes, i don't miss a beat.....(B & me)

I'd like to meet:

SURVIVORS ...changers, thinkers, healers. (teachers and school children in Nairobi with members from the Little Flower Foundation)


*Nina SimOne*, *SADE*, *Billie HOliday*, *Etta James*, *EstherO*, *Ottis Redding*, *Erykah Badu*, *James BrOwn*, *LOu DOnaldson*, *DOnny Hathaway*, *ROberta Flack*, *JamarOquai*, *Alias*, *Sage Francis*, *Stevie WOnder*, *Missy ElliOt*, *FiOna Apple*, *DOseOne*, *SOnic Sum*, *Aimme Mann*, *CAKE*, *MOby*, *Chemical BrOs.*,*The Fugees*, *Lauren HIll (earlier recordings), *Outkast*, *Freestyle FellOwship*, *Digable Planets*, *DOseOne*, *Arrested DevelOpment*, *Speech*, *COppershOt*, *KRS-One*, *The Pharcyde*, *COmmOn*, *De La SOl*, *The ROOts*, *AtmOsphere*, *Susana Baca*, *Manu ChaO*, *India Irie*, *Issa BagayOgO*, *BOb Marley*, *Damien Marley*, *Zap Mama*, *Universal Language*, *Orishas*, *Buena Vista SOcial Club*, *FranciscO Aguabella*, *Fela Kuti*, *Theivery COrpOration*, *Pink FlOyd*, *Beatles*, *Ween*, *RadiOhead*, *Flaming Lips*, *Aphex Twin*, *TOm Waits*, *Sneaker Pimps*, *EstherO*(1st album), *POrtishead*, *ZerO 7*, *Medusa* *ALfred Howard & The K23 Orchestra* .....Flamenco music, Samba, Cuban, Indian, Afro-beat, various traditional African musics, Jazz, and traditional Japanese music; music from all continents...


+POetic Justice+, +Babe+, +Chicken Run+, +Akira+,+GhOst in the Shell+, +Dave Chappelle's BlOck Party+, +Idlewild+, +The Big LebOwski!!!! +The ROyal Tennebaums+, + HOuse of Flying Daggers+, +HerO+, +DOnnie DarkO+, +Baraka+, +Winged Migration+, +March of Penguins+, +Waking Life+, +CrOutching Tiger Hidden DragOn+, +Girl Fight+, +Fight Club+, +The Graduate+, +The COrpOratiOn+, +Murderball+, HOtel Rwanda, +DOgma+, +Friday+, +Time Bandits+, +The Fifth Element+, +12 MOnkeys+, +The MAtrix+, +X-Men 2+, +The Dark Crystal+, +Legend+, +The Secret Of Nihm+, +The Neverending StOry+. the following movies i love for their content: +TOugh Guise+, +What the Bleep dO We KnOw+, +Paycheck+, +MinOrity RepOrt+


don't watch the tele, except for PBS. I'll watch YouTube


~The GOlden COmpass~, ~Marley and Me~, ~Eat, Pray, LOve~, ~The Alchemist~, ~Why White Kids Like Hip Hop~, ~The Food Revolution~, ~The PrOphet~, ~FlOw My Tears the POliceman Said~, ~The AutObiOgraphy of MalcOm X~, ~Letters to a YOung POet~, ~The FOur Agreements~, ~Serpentine Highway~, ~PeOple's HistOry Of the U.S.~, ~All AbOut LOve~, ~Be Here NOw~, ~Zen and the Art Of MOtOrcycle Maintenence~, ~The TaO of POOh~, ~Siddhartha~, ~The JOurney is the Destination: the JOurnals of Dan EldOn~, ~Diane Arbus Revelations~, ~The Diaries of Anais Nin~ and indie comic books especially the ones by my brother, Gabriel Hunt, the greatest living indie comic book artist ever.


SURVIVOR Warrior Woman

My Blog

Essence of Oneness

I feel like throwing uplumpin my throatreduced in a day from a thinkerto a color and a numberresist the forces that call my nameand plot in everywayto buy into consumerismpromising to make me happythe...
Posted by this girl here photography on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:16:00 PST

my ma and me

I didn't always believe her when she told me it was an accidentthat she cut off my hairbut i'm beginning to think it wasn't her fault that i got taunted and teased..and told i looked like a boy,but my...
Posted by this girl here photography on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:13:00 PST

nature on the coast

He walked up to me from the oceans waves, sat on the sari that lay on the white sands and said, ¨do you want to see something...? it´s cool, but it´ll be sad¨i knew he was talking about an
Posted by this girl here photography on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:45:00 PST

back on Caye Caulker

we walked to a dock on the back side of the island Caye Caulker (Belize)to smoke a bambu(JOINT) and swim in the liquid saltly Carribean sea. We watched the waters as fish darted around us. A starfish ...
Posted by this girl here photography on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:42:00 PST

evolving eternal love

our bodies breathless baptized in ourspiritual communion coming togetherto fly with wings laced in lovecompletely free to be ourselvesalways evolving because wewant to be better for each otherand this...
Posted by this girl here photography on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 04:35:00 PST