|mAcKy| -bAdbOycuPid-2 mah wifey of CoURz WiDaWT m3...hu KNows WEr uD b...jowk. you're the angel GOD sent foe me. HEHEHE. U giVe me dA sTreNGth TO kEeP oN fiGHtin, TO wAKe UP eACh MORniN' knOWIn UD b THerE is EnOUgh TO keEp ME goIn. U r the apple of mah eye, my one and only honey, the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow, owwwsss naks. da jungjung machine...jowk, neways u are the gurl that made everything bettah in my life.
FwEndZ, uLL kNOW hu u BE...NO faKErz! khazie n edgar mah stihl brothers, hahaha, mike, quinn, robert and bernard...yall r the best. u know wut chaos we can bring to diz world when wer all together...they dont wanna find out rite. to the gurls that love them of course, wer would u all be widawt us guys. toks!!! mary..son n wil, marie, diana mae, gemma to all yall...keep the peace. hahaha
mi fAMiLiA...there's 2 now.
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