Sadistic_soul profile picture


Music is souls language

My Interests


16 Horsepower, Acheron, Alamaailman Vasarat, Altar of Giallo, Amber Asylum, Änglagard, Anekdoten, Apocryphal Voice, Archgoat, Arckanum, Argentum, Asphyx, Atomic Rooster, Atrox, Autopsy, Bauhaus, Bestial Warlust, Bethlehem, Beyond Dawn, Blasphemy, Black Sabbath, Black Witchery, Bleach, Blot Mine, Bohren und der Club of Gohre, Budgie, Burning Witch, Changes, Clandestine Blaze, Comus, Convulse(old), Coven, Craft, Cranes(old), Crowbar, Cure(old), Current 93, Daelek, Daemonia Nymphe, Darkthrone, Dead, Dead Can Dance, Death in June, Deathspell Omega, Demilich, Demigod, Deteriorot, Disembowelment, Dolorian, Dredg, Drudkh, Earthride, Electric Wizard, Esoteric, Espers, Evoken, Fiendish Nymph, Fleurety, Funeral(old), General Surgery, Glorior Belli, Goblin, Goddified, Grave, Gorement, Haemorrhage, Il Balletto Di Bronzo, Immolation, Impetigo, Incantation, In Gowan Ring, Iron Monkey, I Shalt Become, Isis, Jex Thoth, Joy Division, Kaamos, Katatonia, Krohm, Landberk, Lifelover, Lycia, Manes, Masters Hammer, Mazzy Star, Merciless, Mgla, Morrigan, Morte Macabre, Mortuary Drape, Mournful Congregation, Mr Bungle, Mystifier, Museo Rosenbach, Necros Christos, Necromantia, Necromass, Necrony, Neurosis, Nyktalgia, Order From Chaos, Pagan Altar, Paysage D..Hiver, Pentagram, Pestilential Shadows, Portishead, Primordial, Ramesses, Repulsion, Root, Rotting Christ(old) ,Sadist, Sadistic Intent, Saint Vitus, Samael(old), Saturnus, Sinoath, Slowdive, Sol Invictus, Solstice(Uk), Songs Ohia, Strid, Sturmpercht, Tenhi, The 3rd and the Mortal, The Black Heart Procession, Thergothon, This Empty Flow, Thule, Univers Zero , Ulver, Unearthly Trance, Urfaust, Ved Buens Ende, Witchcraft, Witchfinder General, Witchfynde, Winter, Worship, Xibalba, Zemial


Apocalypse Now, Baraka, Burial Ground, Clerks, Clockwork Orange, Dellamorte Dellamore, Event Horizont, Fight Club, Hard boiled, Holy Mountain, Horror Infernal, Indien - Der Film, Jacob..s Ladder, Joes Apartment, Mirror Mask, Sieben, Story of Ricky, Suspiria, The Crow, The living dead in the Manchester Morgue, Voodoo, Valhalla, Wicker Man, Xaver und sein ausserirdischer Freund


American Dad, Family Guy, Monthy Pythons Flying Circus, My Name is Earl, Pandamonium, Ren & Stimpy, The Simpsons


Das Parfüm


Toxic Avenger