Ben Darras profile picture

Ben Darras


About Me

It is always a difficult task to define yourself. It is easy for a person to describe themselves in terms of who they want to be and not who they actually are. Then there is the equally deceptive path of description by what you do. “I am a doctor, teacher, cheerleader, fullback, or waitress.” This is not really who you are.So, who am I? To many, I am defined by my past actions. I am a monster, a destroyer or life, a horrible person and I do not blame them for these thoughts. Others may see me as the kid who had long hair in high school, Malan’s brother, or the person who had such great potential but…, or an inmate in a correctional facility.I am a man who has made many mistakes and collected a treasure trove of regrets. By the age of 18, I had spun out of control and committed horrible crimes resulting in a sentence of life without parole plus 35 years in two separate states. I was a man who had wasted his life.Or so I thought.Who am I? I am a Christian. I have found forgiveness when I thought none existed for me and do not deserve. I have found love far above any I could have imagined, and at a time when I couldn’t even love myself. I am finally free despite the bars and concrete walls that surround me. I have hope and joy and peach!Hopefully, I am someone who can help as well, which is why this Myspace page is up. I want you to know that no matter how far you’ve fallen in life, there is hope. I believe if God loves me despite my horrid past, He love you too.NOTE: Any replies to messages or comments may take from 1-2 weeks. Inmates are not allowed internet access so messages are printed by my sister and snail-mailed to me, For quicker responses, you can write to me directly at: Benjamin Darras #R7164 Unit 30-C, Zone A, Bed 0093 Parchman, MS 38738

My Interests

Check out the new blog for my "story" at


My brother Malan ( Rewake Chainsaw Kitten Jars of Clay Satellite Party Arcade Fire


Chuck, Survivor, Heros, Kid Nation, Bionic WomanGray's Anatomy, Austin City Limits, and PBS Nature


The Bible, The Hobbit, Mere Christianity,The Revenge of the Lawn


Jesus and my Mom

My Blog

Ben Darras

New Blog: Ben's story to be published for the first time.  Don't miss it!
Posted by Ben Darras on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:12:00 PST

So You Think You're A Prison Guard--Part Two

If you haven't read the first part to this, go ahead and check it out.  I'll wait& Okay, you're back. So, why do the female guards scare the living crap-cakes out of me?  Oh, let m...
Posted by Ben Darras on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:42:00 PST

Who Am I?

             It is always a difficult task to define yourself.  It is easy for a person to describe themselves in terms of who they want to...
Posted by Ben Darras on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:49:00 PST

Silly Christians

I had always thought  Christianity was quite silly.  I remember there was a girl in high school who was open about her faith, and she told me, "You can say God and you can say damn, but you ...
Posted by Ben Darras on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 07:15:00 PST

So You Think You're a Prison Guard

Parchman is a strange prison for many reasons, but one stands out as especially funny/scary to me.  Okay....picture a prison guard in your mind..... Did you do it? Probably the image that popped ...
Posted by Ben Darras on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:22:00 PST

What is Prison Like?

People always want to know what prison is like.  I find it's hard to answer.  It's like trying to explain what vanilla tastes like.  For you though, I'll give it a shot.  For now I...
Posted by Ben Darras on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:31:00 PST