Bruce or Dave? You Decide! profile picture

Bruce or Dave? You Decide!

What do you think you're doing? You can't take on a bus!

About Me

I have nothing interesting to put here. I am dull. But amusing in my dullness. Or so I like to think. The Truth is probably a lot duller. I like Sci-fi see. Dull, but paradoxically more fantastic than this humdrum existence. i don't actually know where i'm going with this. I think the moral here is: don't be dull. and never read this again.

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Created by Bart King

My Interests

Music, dvd and games (Top dog anyone?). Drinking (sometimes linked to one of the above!!) Current affairs (i'm quite dull really). Rubbish trivia.

I'd like to meet:

Winston Churchill, Marilyn Manson, Gandhi, James Hetfield, Clare Forlani, Thora Birch, Patrick Stewart, George Lucas, Ewan McGregor, Cristina Scabbia, Bruce Dickinson, Mike Patton, Bruce Boxleitner, Maynard James Keenan, Bianca Beauchamp, Billy Corgan and a bunch of other people.


Tool and Faith No More above all other things! Steve and the Stains, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine inch nails, Coheed and Cambria, Fear Factory, Alice in chains, metallica, iron maiden, pearl jam, machinehead, slipknot, lacuna coil, deathwish (i mean nightwish), guns and roses, atreyu, killswitch engage, soundgarden, audioslave, perfect circle, marilyn manson, korn, depeche mode, tears for fears, bjork, bic runga, trivium, deftones, mudvayne, avenged sevenfold, 36 crazyfists, rammstein, rage against the machine, glassjaw, spineshank, megadeth, alice cooper, massive attack, portishead, type o negative, paradise lost, soil, garbage, slayer, system of a down, HIM, Within Temptation, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom, Chimaira, the Gathering, Opeth, Stone Sour, Incubus, Theatre of Tragedy, Mansun, Van Halen, Silent Stream of Godless Elegy and so on. basically either really heavy or really dark. preferably both! I have also have a sideline interest in 80's cheesy soft rock. But i don't like to talk about it! STAN BUSH!!!!!I'll add more later! Where did sophisticated pop music go?


Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Batman Begins, Spiderman, X-men 1,2 and 3, anchorman, the prestige, dodgeball, team america: world police, south park, zoolander, mystery men, kill bill vols 1 & 2, hitchhikers guide, corpse bride*, league of gentlemens apocalypse, donnie darko, big fish*, labyrinth, akira, charlie and the chocolate factory*, Batman*, Batman Returns*, serenity, amelie, ghostbusters 1 & 2, Waynes World 1 and 2, Both Bill and Ted films, Austin Powers 1-3, Monty Python and Holy Grail/Life of Brian, indiana jones, sin city, Superman returns, king kong, talladega nights etc... (* pretty much every Tim Burton film!)


Star Trek, Babylon 5, simpsons, futurama, family guy, American Dad, Blackadder, Father Ted, Peep Show, Spaced, Scrubs, Collision(sorry it hasn't been made yet!).


Lord of the Rings, anything by David Eddings, Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


Mum and Dad. The rest of my family. All my friends. "...most of my heroes ain't appeared on no stamp" - Chuck D

My Blog

Top Eight

Top eight:State the top eight on your myspace and answer the questions 1. Sam2. Laura3. Simon4. Sayer5. Hugh6. Shiv7. Antony8. Anthony 1. Is number 6 your best friend?Shes a very god friend of mine in...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST

things and stuff

hey.... its been a while hasn't it? blogging and all.... somethings are very different whilst some things remain the same.... i'm a lot happier now. this helps very much with pretty much everything el...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 03:01:00 PST

long time....

hey, thought i'd brighten your lives with a blog about mine. again. Sam's right though! I don't need to do it everyday. just felt like it for a while. I have spent most of today on my  new gamecu...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:45:00 PST

dulldulldulldulldulldull etc

today has been very dull. I've attempted to tidy  my room. Two hours later it still looks as bad, although the clutter is more organised than before! not much to say really. anyhoo the word of t...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 07:50:00 PST


lots of fun to be had today. bowling then the cinema. Finally beat my mate Pete at bowling! (he's probably winning 100-1 but at least i've finally got one!) Saw X-men 3 again. and stayed till the end ...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:46:00 PST

i'm back!

the subject says it all. so for all of you monkeys  a quick round up of the weekends events. Bands i saw: Soil, Soulfly, Coheed and Cambria, Strapping Young Lad, Deftones, Tool, Down, Satyricon, ...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:04:00 PST


hey. I've had a few quiet days at home. But off to download tomorrow. For music and drunkeness. Should be fun! This also means that there will be no blogs for a few days. Not that you care! anyhoo the...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:03:00 PST


Your Love Life Secrets Are uiz/love.jpg" height="100" width="100">Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.You've been deeply w...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:52:00 PST

catching up.

how is everyone? sorry no posts for a while. I had a bad day today. Got angry about a really trivial thing! grrrrr! But it got better. drink after work with friends was good, and a nice dinner too. T...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 06:46:00 PST


i feel good shamon! nice day at work, nice people to talk to, and a nice atmosphere all day. it must mean that payday is tomorrow! dinners burning! might post again later! anyhoo the word of the day i...
Posted by Bruce or Dave? You Decide! on Tue, 30 May 2006 09:41:00 PST