DJ POZITIV is one of the most energetic & powerful Hip Hop DJs born in Kavadarci,MACEDONIA.
Playing for more than 11 years in the biggest clubs in MACEDONIA & performing on radio "GALAXY" FM - Kavadarci (former "HOT" radio) with one of the first RAP shows in MACEDONIA called HIP HOP INTRO featuring special guest hosts as well as the hottest and latest, hit records, freestyles, remixes, blends and exclusives, each and every week. DJ Pozitiv is one of the most sought-after DJs in Macedonia, bringing the hottest hip hop music from the streets to the radio & to the famous CLUB spots where he spins. He used to play like a MOBILE & RESIDENT dj in Kavadarci (Clubs: EMI,ALEXANDRIJA,FASHION,MOON,PICASSO,LIGHT), Skopje (Club: COLOSSEUM), Kumanovo (Club: 7), Negotino (club: HAVANA,AKROPOLIS) , Sofija -BULGARIA (Club: JIM BEAM),Presevo -SERBIA (Club: ARNOLD GOLD) & this last 2 years he played at some small clubs in WASHINGTON D.C. area (USA)!
This last 3 years he also works as a PRODUCER & BEATMAKER for "SYNTHETIC Records"-Macedonia. He has produced more than 40 songs & remixes until now!
PDs, MDs, General Managers if you are looking for a DJ with seamless production, high energy and the hottest music mix, DJ POZITIV knows what the HIP HOP world wants and knows how to deliver the goods.
Synthetic Records Represent
MAK RAP RENESANSA e prvoto MIKSANO izdanie(mixtape) sostaveno od ODLICNI novi i svezi MAKEDONSKI rap numeri. Toa se 30 minuti na VISTINSKO HIP HOP uzivanje na novi i odlicni MAK RAP traki perfektno izmiksani od DJ POZITIV.Ova e PRVIOT del od 5-te dela koj treba da se pojavat vo sledniot PERIOD, i ova digitalno PROMO miks izdanie moze da go najdete i SIMNETE (downloadirate) SLOBODNO samo na INTERNET (forumi,web strani,myspace,hi5 i tn..)
Kopiraj go linkot za da go DOWNLOAD:!
Kopiraj go linkot za da go simnesh MIXOT : Reprezenting the REAL!!!
Newest Positive Mixtape Cover!!!
Check my BIOGRAPHY on that link!! ONLY on macedonian for now!!!
DJ Pozitiv is part of the VINYLBREAKERS crew!
DJ Pozitiv on!
Whos the REALEST in this RAP game?!
Whats the NUMBER 1 macedonian RAP page??!
DJ Pozitiv - Live in Club
Posted By:Djpozitiv
Check my video! your own layout @ Darkfaery Subculture Magazine