:{AuNaturalModels Is Now Under going a major rebuilding Phase. Please check in with us as we become a more upscale Oganization to serve you.}Thank You again for your patients sincerly Rah-EL 9/20/07. Black models being sidelined by modeling agencies’ complains Naomi
khushi | Aug 22 2007 The following statement is one of the reasons that I was inspired to create AuNaturalModels Inc. in June of 1999: Ralph E. Littlefield Founder/CEO
Just because you are blind, and unable to see my beauty doesn’t mean it does not exist
This quote by Margaret Cho, is what the supermodel, Naomi Campbell wants to say right now. Racism is one such plague that we have been witnessing since many years in one or the other form. Every economy might have gained independence but discrimination on the basis of your skin tone exists now too. However, Naomi Campbell alleged that the world of fashion also believes in the same. Yeah! Straightforwardly, she said that racism as a practice does exist in this world of glamour also. As per her, designers and brands do prefer white models over black skinned models. To reform this horrific practice, the supermodel is keen to open her modeling agency in Kenya.
In a stark statement, exposing the fashion world, she said,
Black models are being sidelined by the major modeling agencies. It is a pity that people don’t appreciate black beauty. I even get a raw deal from my own country. For example, I hardly come on the front pages of London’s Vogue magazine. Only white models, some of whom are not as prominent as I am, are put on the front pages. I don’t want to quit modeling until I find that black models get equal prominence and recognition by the world media and information instruments.
She also plans to visit Narobi to find some young talent. The beautiful black lady is committed to establish them in the fashion world and make the world realize that ‘Black is indeed beautiful.’ “Nov .28, 2007: Many people ask me why aren’t there any white models in your agency. I tell them it’s not that there aren’t any it’s just that they haven’t noticed us or are unaware of us and that maybe due to ANM being a new organization .ANM is not for models of color only although this statement by Ms. Campbell is one of the very reasons I was inspired to create this wonderful idea. To give models of color and form (ie shapely) a platform to use to further their careers. Mind you we’re not trying to be another “booty driven company†ANM’s goal is to be just as upscale as all the major agencies. The difference with us is that we realize , recognize and promote urban beauty not the booty. We call this beauty “Urbanesque†meaning:of urban beauty. This is something we see everyday and it shouldn’t be over looked but it has for many of years in the Couture industry. That day has come to an end. Welcome to “The Dream, The Vision , The Reality that is AuNaturalModels Inc. Enjoy the ride. Ralph E. Littlefield: Founder/CEO. Nov.28,2007 4:24am.
Source: Femalefirst
Hello and thank you for stopping by. My name is Ralph aka Rah-EL NuJacqk (The7thElement) . I'm a serious player in the entertainment industry and would like to do some networking with others who share the same intrest. I'd like to say thanks to my networking members and models for your wonderful support I thank "GOD" for you all. Hi& Thank You Demi :){AuNatural Mission Statement}:AuNatural is a model scout and promotions agency created to help and take aspiring models to the next level of their career. We aggressively promote our models to secure them with work in the industry. We'er providing a way for aspiring talent to brake into the industry without most of the hang ups and disappoitments. Through our "Maximum Exposur" program we are geared to gain a model reconigtion in a short amount of time. Finally our goal is to expose to the world the reality of urban beauty in other words the "Urbanesque" model the model of the future that is ANM "AuNatural Models Inc"./ [THE WORLD IS OUR STUDIO] Featured in my photo portfolio are a few of the following Sir-Ham, My sis Classy,Cavosia Williams & The Power Foundation Family , Donald Demo Brize & West Boulvard Entertainment , Antwon Reynolds of Five Star Productions , Robert 'Kalee'Price of Sonn's Productions ,Levert'Prettyb0y Fl0yd'Threats, Dough Boy at Mid-West Mafia Studios , Twins (Nicole&Katrice) , Dee-Dee aka D J Francesca formally Deeja Vous, wow both the twins and Dee-Dee went by that name at one time. My models: Khadijah , Jamilah , Jazzie , Keya , Shemeah , Jasmine , Tina B , Joanna , Presious , Nicole , Toni aka T-Mar , Maxine , Rose , Monique , Kristina , Keely , Shavoni ,Janet , Renita , Chayrees and Kenique aka Keni the Cypher Effect has begun . Rap artist Golddigger & Lady Drama , love you all. Speacial Thanks to Mark Willis and The Demo Factory Studios . Thanks To Charles Jones Jr. aka 'Big Chuck' and the Dangerzone studios for their support.Rah-EL aka NuJaqck The 7th Element is a Photojournalist for The PUB Report (www.thepubreport.com)/(
[email protected]) and an Advanced Simi Pro Amateur Model/Fashion Photographer. He is also a model / model scout / promoter and agent himself. The term he has pined for his style or genre of modeling is "Urbanesque" which means of or from Urban beauty, class and sex appeal. Can you relate? "AuNaturalModels Inc." Is Now Scouting for talent in New York , New Jersey , Chicago and through out the Mid-West areas. Thanks Miss Nita for the wonderful banners Nicole Nikki N of iNK (Jackson,MS) thanks for much advice and support . Please check out our friends @ Apexvisions(www.Apexvisions.com) Thanks Matt and Ethnicity Models (www.ethnicitymodels.com)Thanks Lashawna.
Another Special Thanks To: All My New Family In New York . Madd Shouts Go Out To :My BK Fam Whom I love so much Elle Boogie & Family (East Flatbush) My boy Will B and Family out on Eastern Parkway & DJ Francesca fka Deeja Vous. Nicole and Katrice (www.nicoleandkatrice.com) My (Marbel Hill} Fam up in the BX , My Harlem World Fam "Felony Fellas" I know I mentioned you previously but I just really want you to know how much I appreciate you. See you guys soon. If you would like to know more about me go to
[email protected] and just follow my favorites links. Be on the look out for 'So-Flyy Entertainments ' new artist (neo-soul/hip-hop) group 'Tri Jai Soul' on indie label 'Sigma-Jai' . Produced by Druzilla , Cavosia Williams , Antwon Renolds , Donald 'Demo' Brize and Rah-EL NuJacqk. I'd like to say thank you to my sister Carol aka 'Classy' one of the best hair stylist and clothing designers in the Mid-West , Ajin the man with the vision , Marla B owner of 'Before and After' Beauty Salon and mother of one of my best models . Oh yeah not that I forgot Co-Coa you gets love too 'smiles'. Big congrates to my girl 'T-Mar' aka Toni who won the title of 'Miss Black Wisconsin USA 2006 ' just one of AuNaturals finest doing big things and there's more to come folks so stay tuned. To all my MySpace friends I'd love for the oportunity to meet each and every last one of you and I pray it will be so "LORD" willing until then peace be unto you all. Yo, it's that time of year again when the players come to show what they made of at Bryant Park. ANM is pressing to get our shine on at this years event so to all my Marbel Hill(Grand Concourse) , Harlem (125th & Broadway) , Tribeca , Bed-Sty (Fulton St) , East Flatbush (Church Av ,Kings Hwy) and Eastern Parkway peeps get ready . Love you all. To all my peeps in the Chi thanks for the love it feels good to be home. Latest News: So-Flyy E.P./Sigma-Jai Records has signed to their roster R&B vocalists Candice (Racine,WI) Cornilleous(Milwaukee,WI) and Hip-Hop Soul Trio Cypher E(Chicago,IL). For more on this story check out The PUB Report @ www.thepubreport.com THIS JUST IN:Latest News Real Biz. AuNatural's Lead Model Scout & Sigma-Jai A&R Rep "L" has made it a go for ANM to be represented at next months Fashion week here in New York at Bryant Park. Stay tuned for an update on this great news peeps. Until then Later. Watch out for "Profyle" DVD Magazine coming soon. The Latest: Oh , snap last weeks "Out The Gate Photo Shoot" was rigga!!!! (Jamilha ,Jazzie ,Danielle,Katelen, So-Flyy R&B artist Candice and oh my goodness Jasmine baby girl got madd skills as she was modeling , doing make-up and Hair you go gett'em ma. Big ups to our Bravada Inc. Fam for stopping by (Cavosia , PBF X-FACTA and my brother Q for allowing us to rep in his spot).My Brother Jay Love You miss You see you soon .
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