About Me
I'm Madi. I like life the world and things. My family is crazy, but I love them a lot, and my friends are the coolest ever. I kind of live in the library these days...21 credits will do that to you. Someday, I want to be a journalist, join the Peace Corps, learn about everything and everybody, and do all the other 350 things on my "Things to Do Before I Die List." It's going to be good times, I can tell you that much!
I love doing random things and hanging out with people who like random-thing doing. I'm a dog person, I sing in the shower (really loudly), and I am madly in love, with life, and other things which will remain unknown, because really, you could be anyone.
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Ok, so I'm real sorry y'all...but here's another survey...
A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Madison
Wish your name was?: Bob
Age?: 18
Wish your age?: I like 18...it'd be fun to be an intellectually advanced 4-year-old though...wait, maybe not. never mind
What color hair do you have?: right now? kinda purplish-red...really, it's brown though, or, um, milk chocolate(that sounds better)
What color hair do you want?: i'd like to see if blondes really have more fun, but i like my regular color
what color eyes do you have?: blue
what color do you want?: maybe polka-dotted...or plaid would be cool
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: well, i like having long legs, but it kind of sucks that they don't fit anywhere very well
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: my understanding of other people. I think it would be really cool to get where everywhere is coming from
If you could have one super power what would it be?: oooooh...i like this one, but it's hard...i think flying, although invisibility would have its perks too
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: hmm...i'm kind of hoping for one of my own!
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: lots of people...my family and friends and people who contribute a lot more than i do, which is probably a bunch
Who do you love the most?: wow-probably my sister Quincy
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: technically, yes
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: right now i think i'd have to say andy johnson, because I'm tired and I want someone to sing me to sleep
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: my grandpa...i think we'd be tight
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: er, i don't know if i could do that...it's like those movies where you go back in time and change something and then everything is screwed up. You never know...
Who do you hate the most?: apathetic people make my blood boil
Love the most?: i already answered this!
Miss the most?: I haven't talked to shannon and adam in an awful long time...moo
Have the most fun with?: my most favorite alisha, of course!
Would spend your life with?: well, i'm not one to name names...and i won't, but the question made me smile!
Would spend your life without?: stupidity...which covers a lot
Who have you know the longest?: dr. david beckstead, the first person i ever saw...i think
Who is most like you?: depends on which personality we're talking here...my dad, sister, taylor, mikey, matt w.
Who is your opposite?: haters
Who looks most like you?: my brother Bailey and sister Quincy
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: Angelina Jolie...she kicks butt and makes out with Matt Damon on-screen, jets around the world helping people, and has cute kids.What more could you ask for? Oh, yeah...Brad.
What celeberty do you look most like?: Strangly, the only one a lot of people have told me is Angelina Jolie, but I don't flatter myself ;)
Are you high matnance?: NO! In fact, maybe a little too low...
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: honestly, personality. Some things are just downright sexy, and most often, they're not pecs...although there are definite advantages to those, too.
Is honesty always the best policy?: probably...not the hurtful kind, though, unless it's necessary
How many people have you dated this year?: tough q, because what constitutes dating? I've been on dates with maybe 20 and "dated" (by my own definition)...5? It was kind of a crazy summer...
How many people have you asked out this year?: nada. I suck at the asking
How many people have you turned down this year?: dates? none. other things? er...5 (see above)
If you had only one friend who would it be?: TOO HARD! That would really suck.
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: food sounds gross right now. Blame holiday gluttony.
Do you love your friends or family more?: I love them differently...plus some of my friends are family and some of my family are friends. Those are probably the ones I love most.
What is your favorite band?: Right now, ok go rocks my socks. Janice Ian, too. And many, many others.
What is your favorite song?: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Braddah style
What sterotype are you ?: hmm...I'm not sure...my roommates wrote our stereotypes down and posted them on our apt. door and i was "gentle giant, skinny, well-rounded one", so there you go
What sterotype would you like to be?: the freaking awesome cool kid
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: ew no
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: yeah...i'm a girl
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: yeah...i'm still a girl
Are you a virgin?: Yep Yep
Do you have a boyfriend?: Nope Nope
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: As long as it takes to find THE man and get married
If you lost it already do you regret it?: yay! no regrets!
If you could change one point in your life would you?: i suppose any time i unintentionally hurt someone
What religion are you?: LDS!
How do you feel today?: kind of flu-ish actually, but rather happy as a clam
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: New Zealand because it looks GORGEOUS!
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: Any of the guys, just so I could see what's going through those minds.
What is your favorite candy?: Toblerone
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: Probably the guy next door-sweet,goofy,and generally adorable. But I am attracted to guys with skills so a Renaissance Man would be cool too.
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: Judging by past ones? About 2 weeks, after which I get a little antsy...
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: tall enough that I can wear my hooker boots and not feel amazon
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: I like 'em meaty...but I'm strangly attracted to skinny emo kids too so whatever
[Collect anything?] Lovers....ok, not really. That'd be cool, though.
[How did your last relationshp end?: Amicably
Do you miss it?: not really
Were your ever really in love?: probably not
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: hopefully between now and then I'll think of something profound, but it'll probably end up being something like "oh, man, could I go for some Coldstone right about now!"
If you were in love would you get married before college?: I don't have to worry about that... I made it!
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: Guy friends...they're just so much simpler(no offense, guys)
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: I'm liking this threshold bit quite a lot!
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: Sky-diving for a cause or in a violent explosion in a spacecraft reentering orbit after going to the moon or somewhere
Do you like yourself?: I'm a work in progress. But I'm not a hater.
What do you wish to become someday?: a writer,an artist,a musician,a mom,a chef, a world-traveler, a champion for a cause, a hero, and a rodeo queen
Do you trust people easily?: I don't have a problem letting people in, but I don't really trust very many people completely
How important is school to you?: dang
What song are you listening to right now?: A Good Idea At the Time-ok go
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: a certain lovely someone...
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: same someone...
what is your perfect date like?: If it's with a funny, happy, charming, adventurous, intelligent, good-looking specimen, I don't really care what we're doing.
if you could completely change who you are would you?: I might consider becoming fully hippie, but probably not for lon.
would you be friends with yourself?: I think myself and I would be crazy together.
Do you talk to people often?: Weird question...yes.
Are your romantic?: I like the idea of it, but sometimes in the moment, I feel all cheesy...so as long as it's just plain dorky, I love it
Do you talk bout your dreams?: All the time
Do you dream often?: Every night, baby! It's great fun.
Do you ever pray?: Morning and Night and about 50 other times a day when I think of something I want to say
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Depends on what you constitute as "boyfriend" and "cheating"...I don't think so.
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: Maybe 1 a week.
What is the layout?: A spifffy road.
What is the song?: A Millino Ways
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: yeah...I'm not a silly adder...I take this myspace stuff extremely seriously!
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: I do...I like mostly, pretty much everyone ever.
Do you like who you are becoming?: Well, it would be silly to become them if I didn't, wouldn't it?
What is the most important thing in your life?: the Gospel and the people in it
what would you never change about yourself?: my crazy spastic-ness...it's ADD, but I'd get bored without it
When was the last time you cried?: Christmas Eve
Do you think the guy should always pay?: Seinfeld say "She could at least reach for the check. I'm not asking for payage, but reachage? Am I asking too much?"
What is your favorite movie?: White Christmas
What movie sucked the most?: Crossroads...shouldn't the world have realized that Britney Spears is not cool the second after it came out?
Who is your favorite actress?: I like Kate Winslet quite a lot.
Who is your favorite actor?: Matt Damon is my cinematic hero!
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: People being more open to new ideas and paradigms.
Do you have any bad habits?: I pop my fingers...I hear that's bad.
Do you think your fat?: No
Are you overweight?: According to who?Me?I don't think so...I mean, come on,not liking your body is like not liking your shoe size...if you're a 10, you're not getting that puppy into a 4, you kno
What was the last thing you ate?: toothpaste, accidently
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: ew, ew, ew...after eating a big jud last week, I will never like hamburgers again
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: YESSSS!!!!!
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: Of course, is that even a question?
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: Ocean's 13...they really should maybe quit but it's quite a splendid cast
Who do you want to be like?: lots of people...see blogs
what word best describes yourself?: madi...
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