Madi-with a vengeance! profile picture

Madi-with a vengeance!

Vermont must be beautiful this time of year. All that snow...

About Me

I'm Madi. I like life the world and things. My family is crazy, but I love them a lot, and my friends are the coolest ever. I kind of live in the library these days...21 credits will do that to you. Someday, I want to be a journalist, join the Peace Corps, learn about everything and everybody, and do all the other 350 things on my "Things to Do Before I Die List." It's going to be good times, I can tell you that much! I love doing random things and hanging out with people who like random-thing doing. I'm a dog person, I sing in the shower (really loudly), and I am madly in love, with life, and other things which will remain unknown, because really, you could be anyone. Myspace Backgrounds
Ok, so I'm real sorry y'all...but here's another survey...
A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Madison
Wish your name was?: Bob
Age?: 18
Wish your age?: I like'd be fun to be an intellectually advanced 4-year-old though...wait, maybe not. never mind
What color hair do you have?: right now? kinda purplish-red...really, it's brown though, or, um, milk chocolate(that sounds better)
What color hair do you want?: i'd like to see if blondes really have more fun, but i like my regular color
what color eyes do you have?: blue
what color do you want?: maybe polka-dotted...or plaid would be cool
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: well, i like having long legs, but it kind of sucks that they don't fit anywhere very well
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: my understanding of other people. I think it would be really cool to get where everywhere is coming from
If you could have one super power what would it be?: oooooh...i like this one, but it's hard...i think flying, although invisibility would have its perks too
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: hmm...i'm kind of hoping for one of my own!
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: lots of family and friends and people who contribute a lot more than i do, which is probably a bunch
Who do you love the most?: wow-probably my sister Quincy
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: technically, yes
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: right now i think i'd have to say andy johnson, because I'm tired and I want someone to sing me to sleep
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: my grandpa...i think we'd be tight
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: er, i don't know if i could do's like those movies where you go back in time and change something and then everything is screwed up. You never know...
Who do you hate the most?: apathetic people make my blood boil
Love the most?: i already answered this!
Miss the most?: I haven't talked to shannon and adam in an awful long time...moo
Have the most fun with?: my most favorite alisha, of course!
Would spend your life with?: well, i'm not one to name names...and i won't, but the question made me smile!
Would spend your life without?: stupidity...which covers a lot
Who have you know the longest?: dr. david beckstead, the first person i ever saw...i think
Who is most like you?: depends on which personality we're talking dad, sister, taylor, mikey, matt w.
Who is your opposite?: haters
Who looks most like you?: my brother Bailey and sister Quincy
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: Angelina Jolie...she kicks butt and makes out with Matt Damon on-screen, jets around the world helping people, and has cute kids.What more could you ask for? Oh, yeah...Brad.
What celeberty do you look most like?: Strangly, the only one a lot of people have told me is Angelina Jolie, but I don't flatter myself ;)
Are you high matnance?: NO! In fact, maybe a little too low...
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: honestly, personality. Some things are just downright sexy, and most often, they're not pecs...although there are definite advantages to those, too.
Is honesty always the best policy?: probably...not the hurtful kind, though, unless it's necessary
How many people have you dated this year?: tough q, because what constitutes dating? I've been on dates with maybe 20 and "dated" (by my own definition)...5? It was kind of a crazy summer...
How many people have you asked out this year?: nada. I suck at the asking
How many people have you turned down this year?: dates? none. other things? er...5 (see above)
If you had only one friend who would it be?: TOO HARD! That would really suck.
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: food sounds gross right now. Blame holiday gluttony.
Do you love your friends or family more?: I love them some of my friends are family and some of my family are friends. Those are probably the ones I love most.
What is your favorite band?: Right now, ok go rocks my socks. Janice Ian, too. And many, many others.
What is your favorite song?: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Braddah style
What sterotype are you ?: hmm...I'm not roommates wrote our stereotypes down and posted them on our apt. door and i was "gentle giant, skinny, well-rounded one", so there you go
What sterotype would you like to be?: the freaking awesome cool kid
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: ew no
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: yeah...i'm a girl
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: yeah...i'm still a girl
Are you a virgin?: Yep Yep
Do you have a boyfriend?: Nope Nope
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: As long as it takes to find THE man and get married
If you lost it already do you regret it?: yay! no regrets!
If you could change one point in your life would you?: i suppose any time i unintentionally hurt someone
What religion are you?: LDS!
How do you feel today?: kind of flu-ish actually, but rather happy as a clam
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: New Zealand because it looks GORGEOUS!
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: Any of the guys, just so I could see what's going through those minds.
What is your favorite candy?: Toblerone
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: Probably the guy next door-sweet,goofy,and generally adorable. But I am attracted to guys with skills so a Renaissance Man would be cool too.
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: Judging by past ones? About 2 weeks, after which I get a little antsy...
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: tall enough that I can wear my hooker boots and not feel amazon
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: I like 'em meaty...but I'm strangly attracted to skinny emo kids too so whatever
[Collect anything?] Lovers....ok, not really. That'd be cool, though.
[How did your last relationshp end?: Amicably
Do you miss it?: not really
Were your ever really in love?: probably not
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: hopefully between now and then I'll think of something profound, but it'll probably end up being something like "oh, man, could I go for some Coldstone right about now!"
If you were in love would you get married before college?: I don't have to worry about that... I made it!
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: Guy friends...they're just so much simpler(no offense, guys)
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: I'm liking this threshold bit quite a lot!
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: Sky-diving for a cause or in a violent explosion in a spacecraft reentering orbit after going to the moon or somewhere
Do you like yourself?: I'm a work in progress. But I'm not a hater.
What do you wish to become someday?: a writer,an artist,a musician,a mom,a chef, a world-traveler, a champion for a cause, a hero, and a rodeo queen
Do you trust people easily?: I don't have a problem letting people in, but I don't really trust very many people completely
How important is school to you?: dang
What song are you listening to right now?: A Good Idea At the Time-ok go
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: a certain lovely someone...
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: same someone...
what is your perfect date like?: If it's with a funny, happy, charming, adventurous, intelligent, good-looking specimen, I don't really care what we're doing.
if you could completely change who you are would you?: I might consider becoming fully hippie, but probably not for lon.
would you be friends with yourself?: I think myself and I would be crazy together.
Do you talk to people often?: Weird question...yes.
Are your romantic?: I like the idea of it, but sometimes in the moment, I feel all as long as it's just plain dorky, I love it
Do you talk bout your dreams?: All the time
Do you dream often?: Every night, baby! It's great fun.
Do you ever pray?: Morning and Night and about 50 other times a day when I think of something I want to say
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Depends on what you constitute as "boyfriend" and "cheating"...I don't think so.
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: Maybe 1 a week.
What is the layout?: A spifffy road.
What is the song?: A Millino Ways
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: yeah...I'm not a silly adder...I take this myspace stuff extremely seriously!
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: I do...I like mostly, pretty much everyone ever.
Do you like who you are becoming?: Well, it would be silly to become them if I didn't, wouldn't it?
What is the most important thing in your life?: the Gospel and the people in it
what would you never change about yourself?: my crazy's ADD, but I'd get bored without it
When was the last time you cried?: Christmas Eve
Do you think the guy should always pay?: Seinfeld say "She could at least reach for the check. I'm not asking for payage, but reachage? Am I asking too much?"
What is your favorite movie?: White Christmas
What movie sucked the most?: Crossroads...shouldn't the world have realized that Britney Spears is not cool the second after it came out?
Who is your favorite actress?: I like Kate Winslet quite a lot.
Who is your favorite actor?: Matt Damon is my cinematic hero!
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: People being more open to new ideas and paradigms.
Do you have any bad habits?: I pop my fingers...I hear that's bad.
Do you think your fat?: No
Are you overweight?: According to who?Me?I don't think so...I mean, come on,not liking your body is like not liking your shoe size...if you're a 10, you're not getting that puppy into a 4, you kno
What was the last thing you ate?: toothpaste, accidently
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: ew, ew, ew...after eating a big jud last week, I will never like hamburgers again
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: YESSSS!!!!!
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: Of course, is that even a question?
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: Ocean's 13...they really should maybe quit but it's quite a splendid cast
Who do you want to be like?: lots of people...see blogs
what word best describes yourself?: madi...
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My Interests

saving the world, traveling everywhere I can, writing a book, theatre, reading everything I can get my hands on, singing and dancing in the rain, being the coolest aunt ever, making my family and friends feel loved, people-watching, cooking gourmet meals that take me forever to make and that my family consume in minutes, star-gazing in my hot-tub, cuddling with my dogs and my favorite people, learning new languages, learning how to play the guitar, playing the piano and saxophone, singing, That Famous Preston Night Rodeo, watching movies in Wal-Mart, singing at the top of my lungs, dancing like a crazy person

I'd like to meet:

Nelson Mandela- to discuss the current condition of Africa Condaleeza Rice- to discuss foreign policy Christian Bale- to discuss.....okay, I'm not going to lie to you...I just think he's fine


I'm a huge music person! Pretty much everything that's well-done. Some of my favorites: Broadway (of course), Jack Johnson, the Beatles, Ben Harper, Barry White, Michael Buble, Jamie Collum, Diana Krall, Diana Reeves, Broadway show soundtracks, Linda Eder, Dashboard Confessional, Keith Urban, Tim McGraw(except the cheesy stuff), Led Zepplin, Crosby Stills Nash


White Christmas, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, SNL Best of Chris Farley, old Remington Steele dvds, Just Like Heaven, Strictly Ballroom


I try to avoid it, because there's so much else to do in life! But Seinfeld is classic!


I love all books, so it kind of depends on my mood. Right now, I'm digging journalistic nonfiction stuff. Ted Conover is awesome, as are Mitch Albom and a guy whose name I am spacing...


Superman, for obvious reasons; my sisters; my parents; Oprah; and my grandpa, who is one of my best friends and will give the shirt off his back for anyone. Your results:

My Blog

Oh, MO!!!

There are certain people who bring out certain sides of me.  Around different people I can either act limitedly smart or really dumb, cool(I try) or moronic, and angelic or devilish (mwahaha...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:15:00 PST

I know the coolest people!!!

I decided that what I want to be when I grow up is a little bit of each of my favorite, here, in no particular order, are all the things I love best about all of you!  Thanks for bei...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 02:38:00 PST

The Big Questions

The big questions You find asking yourself, when you've sunk deep into solidarity, and found yourself, not lonely,  but simply alone,What do I want and What can I have?When conventional&nbs...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:08:00 PST

A Note About Channing Tatum

This weekend, I went to "Step Up" with my girls and I must say that Channing Tatum could have his way with me on the dance floor.  That is all.  And though many girls I know (*cough* ALISHA ...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:34:00 PST

Screw You Guys, I Hate High School!

For some reason, I find myself watching "High School Musical" right now...don't ask.  In every movie I have ever watched about high school, it's all about cliques and how people don't mix, and I'...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:57:00 PST

THE LIST (of important male traits) my incredible friend Shannon and I were discussing the state of the world over texts.  Ok-not really. We were talking about getting married and how the thought of it kind of really fre...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:40:00 PST

Things to Do Before I Die

So, Lyric is over, and with it ends all my advance planning, as I have not really thought beyond this point.  I know where I'll be living in the fall and I'm registered for classes, but it has oc...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 10:53:00 PST

My foray into the world of internet stalking

So I was thinking the other day that I haven't blogged in a while, which is really too bad, as it possibly means that I have broken the ties that myspace formally held on me.  Alas, I am back to ...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:56:00 PST

Things I Hate

I really should be writing an essay for Government right now on the freedom of expression, because of the fact that it is due tomorrow and my grade in that class is slowly sliding down the e...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Thu, 18 May 2006 10:49:00 PST

Frankly, my dear....

So, we recently wrapped up the "Nutrition and Exercise" portion of my health class, which involved, among other things, me being anal about keeping my calorie sheet and step-counter (aka, guilty-feeli...
Posted by Madi-with a vengeance! on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:05:00 PST