My favorite time of the year is winter, because I like the feel of cold air. I’ve lived in Florida for my whole life though, so I guess im kinda wierd, seeing as people who live in Florida typically stay there because of the warm weather which lasts nearly year round. I also prefer nighttime over daytime. My favorite video game is probably Guild-Wars. My favorite book is “The Picture of Dorian Gray,†which was written by Oscar Wilde. My favorite book series is “The Wheel of Time,†by author Robert Jordan. My favorite movie is “The Last Unicorn,†it might seem silly that my favorite movie is a Disney animated classic but I just remember it as a constant source of happiness during my childhood.
My favorite food is pepperoni pizza. My favorite place in the world is London, England — Best time I have ever had in my life was when I went there all by my lonesome for 2 weeks. I went to a Catholic elementary school, so naturally i’m Catholic (not an altar boy), fun times. After that I went to this piece of garbage High School, which had maybe 3 teachers who I really liked, and only one who I would call a mentor. High School was boring though, they kind of just push you along and hope for you to learn something.
It has been kind of a tough year on my family, My great grand-father died last year and we were still grieving for him when we found out that my father had Melanoma skin cancer, and that it was already in its fourth and final stage (it had spread to various parts of his body, including his brain). He passed away on January 28th after a handful of brain surgeries. They only gave him four months and he fought it for twelve. I’m currently trying to learn the violin, it’s actually quite a challenge. Well that’s my outer layer of personality in a nut-shell.
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