Jimmy profile picture


Stalking is just another way of saying I Love You.

About Me

Hi, i’m Jimmy. I like to design websites, play video games, watch movies, read sci-fi/fantasy novels, play the violin, eat pizza, travel, and spend money. Of course most of these things cost money to do, so for that, I have a job in the testing department of my college. Even though it’s almost a pre-requisite to live, I hate driving.
My favorite time of the year is winter, because I like the feel of cold air. I’ve lived in Florida for my whole life though, so I guess im kinda wierd, seeing as people who live in Florida typically stay there because of the warm weather which lasts nearly year round. I also prefer nighttime over daytime. My favorite video game is probably Guild-Wars. My favorite book is “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” which was written by Oscar Wilde. My favorite book series is “The Wheel of Time,” by author Robert Jordan. My favorite movie is “The Last Unicorn,” it might seem silly that my favorite movie is a Disney animated classic but I just remember it as a constant source of happiness during my childhood.
My favorite food is pepperoni pizza. My favorite place in the world is London, England — Best time I have ever had in my life was when I went there all by my lonesome for 2 weeks. I went to a Catholic elementary school, so naturally i’m Catholic (not an altar boy), fun times. After that I went to this piece of garbage High School, which had maybe 3 teachers who I really liked, and only one who I would call a mentor. High School was boring though, they kind of just push you along and hope for you to learn something.
It has been kind of a tough year on my family, My great grand-father died last year and we were still grieving for him when we found out that my father had Melanoma skin cancer, and that it was already in its fourth and final stage (it had spread to various parts of his body, including his brain). He passed away on January 28th after a handful of brain surgeries. They only gave him four months and he fought it for twelve. I’m currently trying to learn the violin, it’s actually quite a challenge. Well that’s my outer layer of personality in a nut-shell.
Send me an IM or E-mail or something :)
    AIM Screen-name: Jim Jim Jimmy 49
    Webpage: logicalobservation.com/jimmy
    E-Mail: [email protected]

It's the "Lurker King"
Super-Size Me Spoof (Really Funny)
"The Boston Runners"
The Boston Runners, This Time They Are In The Boston Marathon.

Watch These Videos... They're Funnnny.

My Interests

Traveling, Breaking and Entering, Living, Books, Video Games, Downloading Pirated Music/Movies, Watching and Selling said Pirated Music/Movies, ect.. Also have an interest in History. Learning to play the Violin, it do be more difficult than it at first would seem...

I'd like to meet:

ARNOLD!!! .....

Keyboard Kid

An Exercise in Self-Control

Darth Vader Spoof

Hitler Rap

Dear Black People

Funny Whitest Kids Music Video

God... But Only When He/She/It Is Having A Good Day. Barney (the Dinosaur), and also the little midget/mutated mole things from "Fraggle Rock."


80's, Progressive Rock, Instrumental, and Movie Soundtracks - not to be confused with Show Tunes.

(But also have to keep it real by listening to that Hardcore Gansta Rap as loud as possible while I drive through your neighborhood at 1:00 in the morning).

Most awesome 80's Music Group ever = A-Ha...


All of them because they don't have adverts/commercials - Grrr.... I HATE Commercials


Here is a list of some of my Favorites:

~Weird Science
~Gullivers Travels
~Dumb and Dumber
~All of the James Bond Movies
~Night at the Roxbury
~Interview With a Vampire
~Boondock Saints
~Good Will Hunting
~Dead Poet Society
~Dances With Wolves
~The Matador
~The Thomas Crown Affair
~The Tailor of Panama
~Back To The Future Pt. 1 & 2
~Blade Runner
~V for Vendetta
~X-Men 3
~Young Frankenstein
~The Notebook (Because I like a good sad Movie every once in a while)


Don't watch alot of T.V.
I dunno, but definitely NOT Reality Shows.
I do try to watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report, but they come on a little too late in the night. don't like Anime too much, but I did enjoy these 3 shows: Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Outlaw Star. Also, Heroes is a pretty awesome show.


"The Wheel of Time" Series, "The Da Vinci Code," "Lord of the Rings," "Angels And Demons," All "Sherlock Holmes" Stories And Books, Dantes' "The Divine Comedy," and a bunch of other ones also... But I have forgotten their names.


Jesus, my Grandfater , Mr. Keyser, Richard Dean Anderson ("MacGyver"), and Myself I guess?

My Blog

Chuck Norris Jokes

~~Chuck Norris Jokes~~(Will Add More)Chuck Norris has recently changed his middle name to "Fucking."Chuck Norris doesn't understand why you should consult your doctor if your erection lasts for more t...
Posted by Jimmy on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:00:00 PST

The Spear Of Destiny -- Brief History

The Spear of Destiny(A Brief History)    The Spear of Destiny (also known as the Holy Lance, Holy Spear, Lance of Longinus, or Spear of Longinus) is claimed to be the spear that pierced...
Posted by Jimmy on Wed, 17 May 2006 10:14:00 PST