Retiring by 40, bikinis, the beach, being poolside, mango sorbet, champange, swimming, sunbaking, lounging, heels, lounging in heels, house parties, being on the door list, gin & tonics, peppermint tea, staying out late, summertime, sleeping in, watching Little Britain over and over...but yeah, but no, but yeah, vintage frocks, phosphate free products, really short skirts with really high heels, natural glow, massages, scallops, impromptu trips overseas, jumpsuits, naughty weekends away, last minute decisions that work out for the best, waking up with a hangover and remembering it's only Saturday, reading English Vogue in the sun, shirtless male models, pineapple, recycling, kahlua milkshakes, full English breakfasts, surround sound, seafood BBQ's, the first day of summer, dvds on a rainy day, chocolate martinis, cafe ole, free money, a man with an accect, reef oil, big sunglasses, convertible mercs & plastic pork chops...
"Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities." Frank Lloyd Wright
Tunes you can dance to at 2 in the afternoon in a bikini, a shiny gold belt and super high, high heels...
Hotel Babylon, Footballers Wives, Little Britain, The Bill, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Neighbours, Ali G, E! True Hollywood Stories...
UK Vogue, US Vogue, Australian Vogue, Vogue al
Kate Moss... and Andy Beat...we love you ABs!