// {---------------------------------------------------}I am an Electrical and Computer Science Tech, studying to be a Computer Science Engineering at the U of Icurrently. I have background experience and interest in music, mechanics, math, radio frequency electronics,snowboarding, kayaking, dirt biking, coding (HTML to assembly code), to name a few. I am interested in almostanything, and do nothing particularly well at this point. At least not enough to get rich.
I am most passionate about music and the arts, Germany and friends of which, the OGs from my home area, culture,society, ethics, and technology.
Music is my motivation. I wouldn't be able to write, read, analyze, meditate from all the business, or do any ofthe daily stuff I do without it. Although my core influences are usually more subtly implied, my more newerinfluences I like to advertise... some, so that they do more American Tours, and that I wind up seeing them livemore!
The Ocean - Probably one of the best bands currently, in my book. The musical landscape is very well carved, andhas plenty of things to learn in the crevasses.
I also have some close friends still doing really good work in music...
I have restarted the Blog
Current Weather - Think Snow