Hi, I am Panayiotis. For the past year I've been around doing various projects when my work plans allow. I am an avid comics reader (while I am constantly developing an ongoing story as a pet project). I enjoy the company of a good book, a good music piece (either it's beat or soundtrack or a catchy greek pop song -- though the latter is difficult to happen lately), or good food. I also like photography very much which is my main concern, as I keep having an updated flickr page once or twice every 15 days (yet some of my good pieces are in actual photos that I keep them to my parent's house). I also like cinema very much (practically I breathe movie film solvent) and TV series (as nowadays they are the continuation of that big chill thrill that I used to have in 80's or 90's movies, before marketing ruined them to pieces of s*#t!).
Lately I am learning foreign languages. I know some Japanese (needed for the pokemon or Final Fantasy games, ditched the language though due to kanji). I am now learning Spanish, since I've fallen in love with the language.
I'm still an Internet ghost (not a goat you sicko, find them in a prairie!) for 2007 you will find me attached to these projects:
Flickr! Check out my holiday spirits!
Baza:An RSS News Site WIP
ThE DumPSter!
Places to Go (January 2007):
The engine An .. comics community maintained by the Internet God, Warren Ellis
Katie West Avid photographer, you'll find her often selling pictures over the net.
Comicart Greek comics community forum. Spend hours on reading if you are Greek.
Asapheies My fix on ongoing funny sadistic meticulous web comics.
Lida's Weblog A weblog about technology from a very wacky girl!