i enjoy going to the cinema, bowling, eating out ,watching dvd's, going to clubs and pubs having a drink now and again, like days out to theme parks and seasides, like playing video games when i have spare time. like to try new things
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would like to meet sean bean one day and adrian paul(actors), other wise im just interested in meeting some new cool people from all over the world, and maybe the odd alien species??? who knows what the future holds!
I found my layouts for Myspace on pYzam.com , but they also have really funny pictures !
mainly club and indie rock music, but i'll listen to anything with a cool beat to it.
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films?? one of my fav things! I'll watch any film with will ferrell, ben stiller(great comedy actors) or sean bean (my fav actor). also any film with jessica alba or kelly brook *drools over keyboard* there very talented ladys! HEHE! and any film directed or produced by quetin tarantino. I AM A BIG MOVIE FAN!!! lol
24 series (keifer sutherland), sharpe the series (sean bean) and highlander the series (adrain paul). i enjoy watching all of these.
books.....erm.....?????..... i like comic books?? i find books to boring. or haven't found any i like yet.
its gotta be my old man, his been through so much and his still going, nothing holds him back. also my mum helps with anything anytime. couldn't wish for better parents.