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Ian James

Keep on Rocking in the FREEWORLD (Peace and Love:)

About Me

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Hi,im Ian and im from the north east of england and suport and love the greatest football club in the history of the universe lol ofcourse im talking about Sunderland AFC ha ha!!! I have just figured this site out tonight so bare with me ;)(The course of time has ridiculed the previous statement, ahem) where was I lol, Oh I hate tea (despite the rumour about us english folk lol)and I love coffee:) The back ground you can see is my home village West Auckland at twighlight, i live in the second palm tree on the left lol (Oh shit sorry i changed my background to a 70's picnic ha ha). I love sports and having fun, and I also love american indie rock bands!! Weezer any one? lol, dont worry alternative British music rocks and slow beautiful songs are nice too;) Oh and those things (creepy crawlies) that survived what wiped out the dinosaurs totaly freak me outlol. OH and i loathe spiders and flies (horrible little buggers:) Oh PS. The vids below are firstly the song Quietly, from a favorite group of mine the sadly defunct Guano Apes, a german band of whom i dearly love:) following that is a video introduced to me by my good freind Mark, if you love Lord Of The Rings and have a sence (oh i cant spell lol)of humour im sure you will giggle lol, and the third video needs little introduction;) im sure the World Police will talk you through it lol, God bless our burger chomping saviours lol, ah yes and its the fantastic Pixies over there on the left followed by Pearl Jam and the legendary NEIL YOUNG playing Keep on rocking in the free world, does music get any better lol, enjoy your stay xxx
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My Interests

Ummm Sports, reading, writing (sometimes lol) catching up with friends, music in a big way and fine food. And ocassionally being misserable because i cant spell for shit hahaha (You See:)

I'd like to meet:

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm I dont know lol. oh the Pioneer who brought us Alcohol, what a legend hahaha!!!, and Niall Quinn too.


I Need Some Fine Win And You, You Need To Be Nicer-The Cardigans
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Alternative music mainly, British and American but i prefer the American variety, if i had to mention my big favourites i would say, Weezer, Crowded House, Guano Apes, Pixies, The Lemonheads, The Smiths, and a hell of a lot more LOL.


Hmmmmmmmmm, The Lord of rings Trilogy I guess:) yep im a geek LOL. But most shit with horror, blood and death:)(as long as its pretend silly lol), yeah and the odd tear jerker can get me when i least expect it, its a problem with the tear ducts, ya know hehehe.


hmmmmmmmmmm i am ashamed to admit Home and Away and Neighbours LOL, shoot me now hahahaha oh and 24. And of course football:)


My favourite author is Dean R Koontz and my fave books of his are, Midnight, The Door to December and The Bad Place, but my faves of all are again anything by J R R Tolkien. Although the Silmarilian was way over my head, hahaha dont laugh Nalla!


Batman, The Pioneer of alcohol, Weezer, and so many fucking more

My Blog

Pondering Insanity.

this ramble comes from the greatest deapths and sinues of the whacked out crazy grey fucker than can be losely described as my brain lol! Pondering insanity! I can hear everything, I can see everythin...
Posted by I.J. on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:05:00 PST

Freedom and thank you.

..> Just a historical ramble thinking about the poor old souls who died for us.                     &nb...
Posted by I.J. on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:21:00 PST

The Nature of Humanity

..> What inspired me to write this i dont know lol, but im fond of the words, i guess its touching on deciding between two love interests. May the best person win hehehehehe!!!    &n...
Posted by I.J. on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:53:00 PST

The Death of a Fascist Dictator

..> This is more silly words but thistime concerned with the Eastern and Western world, oh and for those of you who dont Know what marsden rock is its a huge rock capable of concealing a ...
Posted by I.J. on Sun, 13 May 2007 02:51:00 PST

Rapid Eye Movement.

..> Ok some of ya guys may Know i  scribble down (i would hardly call it writing lol) some words that can be loosley described as poetry!!! but im guessing most of ya dont, anyway you can prob...
Posted by I.J. on Sun, 13 May 2007 02:27:00 PST

Suffer Little Children

..> This is a poem inspired by watching a horror film the other night while getting pissed on cider lol, its basically a tounge in cheek, way of expressing a childs fear of dread, for my american f...
Posted by I.J. on Sun, 13 May 2007 02:36:00 PST