Hello, my name is Mahader Woldeselassie Tesfai Omer Atawahum Alamdi Kefhalek Almadi. I was born in Keren, Eritrea and currently reside in Pune India. Feel free to e-mail me: [email protected]
Peace and Blessings
visual arts, architecture, spear fishing,
visual artists, poets, novelists, super models, musicians, engineers, farmers, anthropologists, activists, doctors, nurses, fashion designers, street workers, computer specialists, residing anywhere in the world.
Hamza El Din, Wedi Tkabo, Bob Marley, Fela Kuti, Interpol, Morrisey,
Black Marxism: THe Making of the Black Radical Tradition by Cedric Robinson, The Complete Works of Octavia Butler, Somewhere Else by Matthew Shenoda, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney, 100 Years of Solitude