Dead Jellyfish profile picture

Dead Jellyfish


About Me

I love dumb shit... like this:I also love pictures of cats doing dumb things with grammatically incorrect sentences in Helvetica font.

My Interests

Drawing, most forms of art, music... knowledge.... reading, fairy tales, rock climbing, video games, movies, existing...

I'd like to meet:

People who care about things that matter to me.... seriously... who else would one want to meet? People who can make their opinions clear.People I don't want to meet: Homophobes.... seriously kiddos, if you're homophobic, have problems with gay people, make gay jokes etc. I want absolutely nothing to do with you. Those who argue purely for the sake of argument.


Mindless Self Indulgence, Agent Orange, Mastodon, Paul Oakenfold, horrorpops, panic at the disco, pig destroyer, gwar, sneakerpimps, jack off jill, kittie, imogen heap, Immortal Technique, Manson, The Streets, Nas, Dog Fashion Disco, VNV nation, Deadsy, Of Montreal, Nekromantix, the cure, hellbinki sextet, abney park, Dresden dolls, Placebo, the academy is..., dillinger escape plan, fear factory, primus, chop tops, Polkadot Cadaver, Duct tape Moustache, Necromantix, Tool, Frou Frou, Pink Floyd, System of a Down, Garbage, Aphex Twin... most trip hop, most house, The Mars Volta, Crystal Method, Eve 6... FUCK YOU THEY'RE AWESOME


City of Lost Children, Lost Highway, Run Lola Run, True Romance, Oldboy, Crash, Blade Runner, Quills, Angels in America, prestige, Sleepers, Heathers, Goodfellas, Fight Club, Suicide Club, Rear Window... SO many more


Ender's Game, all h.p. lovecraft, Sleepers, Blindness, The True story of Hansel and Gretel, Lolita, Demo, donorboy, Columbinus, Legacy, Phantom... and MORE

My Blog


I present to you a lapse in judgement and age:So, I'm at MC now... the classes are actually pretty sweet.I need to go to NYC again for interviews, to visit some friends and other FUNKY SHIT! MSI's v...
Posted by Dead Jellyfish on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:49:00 PST


I miss you... a lot. I hate that I miss you. I don't know if you miss me and I'm too much of a pussy to find out. I think you do. Too much has been shared for me not to know you. I want you to mi...
Posted by Dead Jellyfish on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:16:00 PST

I Know

Yea, so i know i said i'd never write in this thing, i'm breaking that promise for today.I hate dissappointing teachers, scratch that, I hate dissappointing teachers that I like. I really should have...
Posted by Dead Jellyfish on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:37:00 PST

My Space

HOLY FREAKING FUCK it's Myspace. This thing is a freaking cult, I'll tell you what.... and I just did. OMG so like, i just so totally lost like 3 pounds last week, now I'm 100lbs and it's amazing. ...
Posted by Dead Jellyfish on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:58:00 PST