~*Carley_Nicole*~ profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

About Yourself
The 411...
First name:: Carley
Middle name:: nicole
Like your name?: yes
Named after anyone?: nope
Nicknames:: idk
Birthday:: ?!?
Current location:: Fort wayne
Height:: 5"5"
Like your height?: yes
Eye color:: blue/hazel
Contacts/glasses?: nope..none
Hair color:: blondish...brwnish
Natural hair color:: blonde
Righty or lefty?: righty
Your Favorite...
Type of music:: i like it all
Band or singer:: nickelback
T.V. show: my sweet 16
Movie:: notebook
T.V. channel:: 50
Radio station:: 107.9 and 98.9
Place to be:: mall
Thing to do:: shop duhh
Food:: pizza
Non-alcoholic drink:: mt dew
Alcoholic drink:: eww none
Animal:: dog
Insect:: eww none again
Holiday:: birthday duhh
Season:: fall
Place to shop:: hollister
Actor:: mmm brad pitt
Actress:: all of them =]
Scent:: apple pie
Instrument:: drums
Restaurant:: idk ne were is fine
Fruit:: peach
Vegetable:: carrot
Fast-food place:: mickey d's =]
Pizza topping:: cheese
Ice cream:: stawberry
City:: fort wayne
Magazine:: teens
Color:: pink
Number:: 2
This or That...
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Vanillia
Pepsi or Coke:: mt dew...lol
Hot or Cold:: hot
Black or White:: white
Dog or Cat:: doggie
Morning or Night:: Night
Cars or Trucks:: cars
City-life or Country-life:: city
French Toast or Pancakes:: ewww none
French Fries or Onion Rings:: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwey none
Hamburger or Hotdog:: hotdog
Pepperoni or Sausage:: pepperoni
Britney or Jessica:: jessica
Boxers or Briefs:: thong
McDonalds or Burger King:: micky d's
Thanksgiving or Easter:: thanksgiving
Canada or Mexico:: mexico =]
Hugs or Kisses:: kisses DUHH
Giving or Receiving:: giving
Movies or T.V.:: movies
Truth or Dare:: dare
Do You...
Shower daily?: duhh
Sing in the shower?: yes all the time
Collect anything?: nope
Have any pets?: doggie
Like to sing?: hell ya
Like to dance?: mhmmm im on the dance team
Pray?: yes of course
Go to church?: yes
Like to read?: not really
Go hunting?: eww no
Like rollercoasters?: not the fast ones
Like to swim?: yes all the time
Smoke?: eww no
Drink?: and no again
Cuss?: hell no...lol =]
Get sick often?: no only when im sick duhh
Talk to yourself?: eww no
Believe in yourself?: yes of course
Play an instrument?: no
Like any weird foods?: nooo
Have any phobias?: spiders,and all bugs eww eww eww
Live alone?: no
Like the snow?: yes lil
Want to get married?: someday i hope
Want kids?: yes
Think you're trustworthy?: yaa me duhh
Think you're funny?: no haha
Believe in ghosts?: umm no
Believe in fate?: yes sometimes
Believe in Santa?: haha no
Own a blender?: umm yes
Do drugs?: ewwww NO WAYY
Wash your hands frequently?: yes
Brush your teeth often?: well duhh
Laugh often?: haha yes
Get along with your parents?: sometimes
Get along with your siblings?: nooo
Like to drive?: yes
Like surprises?: not really
Have You Ever...
Toilet-papered a house?: no
Gone garbage tipping?: eww no
Broken the law?: yes once
Been arrested?: no
Been out of the country?: yeaa
Made out with a stranger?: hehe maybe
Been in love?: yes
Caught a fish?: haha no
Hit a deer?: nope
Had a bloody nose?: idk
Had surgery?: umm no
Been beaten up?: yes once
Beaten someone up?: hehe yes um
Been up a mountain?: no
Been rootin'?: wats that????
The Last...
Thing you ate:: pickel
Person that called you:: nate
Person that you called:: mommy
Time you got drunk:: idk
Place you got drunk:: party
Person you watched a movie with:: i cant remeber
Person you went shopping with:: amy
Person you hugged:: amy
Person you talked to online:: nate
Person you dated:: john
Stupid thing you did:: went out with him ^ ^ ^
Concert you went to:: nickelback
Present you received:: IDK
Random Questions...
Your parents' names:: amy,greg
Your siblings' names:: adrian,noha,mike
Do you live in the moment?: idk hah huh?!?
Your favorite childhood memory:: idk
Would you change your name?: no my mommy gave it 2 me
What do you like about your family?: there effin crazy
Are your parents divorced?: nope nd im happy bout it=]-
Do you consider yourself tolerant?: naaa
The best advice you've been given:: i cant remeber geez..lol
Your favorite inside joke:: hahah cant say tht one =]
How does your hair look?: sexy =]
Ever killed an animal?: awww no
Your biggest fear:: BUGS ewww
Are you passive or agressive?: huh??
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?: eww no
Your bedtime:: ne time i want
The book you are reading:: none
What's on your mousepad?: nothing
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?: yess
Can you speak any foreign languages?: yeaa
Are you a smartass?: hell yes
The most important lesson you've learned in life:: boys are mean =]
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You've been totally Bzoink*dHi my name is carley i am a junior at northside high school i am on the cheerleading team,and i play softball,i like to hangout with my friends and meet new pepole =]

My Interests

What do you think of me!?!
Effin hott
really ugly

View Results
Free Myspace Pollsi like to hangout with my friends at the mall movies and meet new ppl...AND i love to go shopping

I'd like to meet:

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What Laguna Beach Girl would you be?

Alex M.
Your a fun and spontanous girl. You love to have fun, but you know when to stop. Your a friendly kind of person. You get along with alot of people.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!i would like to meet ne famous person =]


Glitter Graphicsi like all kinds of music


i love the notebook,and bad news bears =]


mtv,mtv2 and thats is mostly it =]


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Quiz created with MemeGen !i dont really read but when i do i love sad books


ALOT OF PPL...lol ♥ Katie's Layouts ♥ ♥ Katie's Layouts ♥