Dancing. Grinning. Socialising. Taking drugs. Smoking. Taking the piss. Drinking. Sleeping (big fan of sleep at the moment, seriously, try it some time, it rocks). Music. Music. Music. Music.
Tim Leary, R.A.W, various DJ's and producers and Rolf Harris. I reckon that's about it. I think I have most bases covered there.
Pretty much all DnB, even the commercial shite ;) No MC's though yeah? safe. Jungle. Tekno. Breakbeat. Nuskool breaks. Jazz. Blues. Mood dependant.
Too many to list (or remember...). I generally watch most movies as they come out and I've got a fair collection of old and random shit. Not that I ever watch any of them anymore though.
TV? ummm... well, LOST (roll on Feb!) and 'stenders. Oh and heroes. Doctor Who and Torchwood. But that's about it. Not really a telly fan.
Used to read loads and then I got the internet :( I don't read so gud now!